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What to collect Puja?

The Pudge character rarely appears on theprofessional scene, but all the fans with great joy perceive the choice of this player in official matches, because the competent possession of his skills promises to display a colorful game.

In this article, we will tell you what to collect puja from artifacts to achieve victory.

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The main advantage of this character is the skillMeat Hook, which allows the hook to attract the enemy from a fairly long distance. Below is a list of items that will help put the opponent on the hook and stay at the same time whole:

  • Bottle - the initial item for 700 gold. It has 3 charges, each of which regenerates by 135 hp and 70 mp each. Charges are restored using the rune or on the base;
  • Blink Dagger - the ability to teleport to 1200 units, 2250 gold. With this artifact, you can suddenly attack rivals who think they are in a safe zone from the hook;
  • Shadow Blade - a controversial artifact, but great for single hunting. Gives invisibility for 14 seconds;
  • Observer Ward is an item that supporters should buy, but, alas, they do not always find it necessary to spend money on it. Gives you an overview of the terrain. As a rule, it is installed on the hills;
  • Urn of Shadows - an artifact that is stored in itselfCharges for each opponent killed within a distance of 1400 units. Each charge can be restored to 400 HP. A useful artifact, given the need to constantly use the skill Rot, which does damage not only to the enemy, but also to the character himself.

Read also the article What to collect in DotA.

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