Fresh, collected in a clean forest and cookedfor dinner, delicious mushrooms - a pleasant and useful alternative is already podnadoevshim puree with chicken and pasta with sausages. On how to cook mushrooms delicious, you can find in the articles on our website, and today we'll talk about when to collect mushrooms.

The mushroom picking season lasts from early spring and lasts until the end of autumn. To find more mushrooms of a particular kind, you need to know when you can pick mushrooms one or the other. Consider everything in order.

Picking mushrooms: what, where and when?

  1. April and May are the time when the morels appear. Search them best in deciduous forests and on fertile soils. If in the deciduous forests you can find morels with a bell-shaped bell, the coniferous forests are rich in conical morels with an elongated bonnet. There are also morels in mixed forests, hats of such mushrooms - gray or brown. Many consider these mushrooms to be poisonous, but when cooking from mushrooms the poison goes away (the liquid needs to be drained completely), and this also happens when drying mushrooms.
  2. At the end of May, raincoats appear. They are easy to find near roads, in gardens, on glades and pastures. It is best to take young mushrooms. In parallel with the raincoats appear oyster (can be found on dead tree trunks, on stumps, in brushwood and on fallen trees) and meadow fork.
  3. In early summer, there are podberezoviki (in birch groves) and butter (in pine forests). By this time there are already quite a few russules and mosses.
  4. Many consider the most important fungus to be a white fungus. When to collect white mushrooms? At the end of June you can already go looking for them in pine and oak forests and in fir groves. In the same period it is time to collect the aspens and birches near the aspen and birches. They prefer to grow in shady forests. You can look for field mushrooms, and in the woods - swine.
  5. July is the month of the appearance of new mushrooms. You can find this mushroom in almost any forest.
  6. August is a time to collect black, yellow and aspen pickets, as well as pink and white freckles. Bright red-haired will be found in spruce forests, in any forests - russula.

August is the time of the most massive gathering of mushrooms. All the mushrooms have already appeared, and therefore there are a lot of them in the forests. The closer to autumn, the less mushrooms become. So, September will please the late russula, mlechnikami, mushrooms autumn, birch bogs. October allows you to find the autumn oyster mushroom and pine mushroom. After the first frosts, it's time to stop the mushroom season.

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