If you are going to catch these delicious meat of arthropods on fishing, you need to learn some subtleties that will contribute to a good catch.

First of all, you need to determine the places where crayfish are found, so that your fishing is not wasted. About where they are best caught, read the material Where to catch crayfish.

You also need to know when to catch them most effectively. About what time (year and day) it is better to do this, read more in the article When to catch crayfish.

Ways of catching

There are several ways to catch crayfish: hands, nonsense, for bait, rakolovkoy. The most productive of them is the last one. And, accordingly, the first two - exclude the use of bait, as such. About what methods of catching cancer there are more, read more in our article How to catch crayfish.

Bait for crocheting

Why catch crayfish? Let us dwell in more detail on the last method of catching. The construction of the frame is simple: a metal circle made of wire, a mesh, a cord. You can make it yourself, or you can buy it at a fishing store. This tackle is suitable for fishing and shallow water, and at depth.

Cancer is the sanitary nurse. Often, his diet, except for algae and larvae, includes carrion: dead fish, frogs, small animals. Therefore, as a bait in rakolovku recommend to put foul stale meat with a "smell", fish. You can put bread. But best of all, according to experienced fishermen, the day before yesterday cutlets are suitable for catching crayfish. For some reason they excite interest in these arthropods. Do not forget that the chosen bait must be put in a special nylon or gauze pouch and tied to the bottom of the net in the middle. This is done so that the cancer can not escape with delicacy. For catching crayfish, the same bait is used for bait fishing as for barnacles. And about what you can catch different kinds of fish, learn from the section on our website Fishing.

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