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How to catch crawfish?

Crayfish are less often found in lakes and riversRussia, and after all it is an excellent snack and a delicacy, now already become a delicacy. These animals are not without reason a sign of clean water, because they live only in unpolluted ponds. Most often, crayfish live in running water - rivers, small lakes. You can find them in reeds, under driftwood, rocks or in sand. But if you decide to hunt these arthropods, it is important not only to know where they live, but also how to properly catch crayfish. There are several ways of fishing, which depend on your experience, equipment and the depth of the crayfish. So...

How to catch crawfish with your hands

This method is the simplest and oldest ofall. But it is worth remembering that you can not use it everywhere. Catching crayfish by hand can only be where they live in shallow water - at a depth of one and a half meters.

In order to catch cancer by hand,cautiously enter the water where crayfish can live. Then, without creating noise, you should examine the pitfalls, driftwood, the grass growing in the water. Once you have seen a moving cancer, you need to quickly grab it, otherwise it can quickly escape into your shelter.

This method can be attributed to catching crayfish nettle. Most often, this method is used at night with a flashlight, because crayfish - are, as a rule, a nocturnal lifestyle.

Some lovers catch crayfish, floating on the bottom of the lake with an underwater mask and flashlight. This method is not suitable for everyone, because it requires experience and hardening, because the crayfish is usually caught in the fall.

How to catch a cancer on a rakulovku

Rakolovka or rascene suitable for fishingcrayfish in shallow water, and at depth. This construction is extremely simple. To do this, to the rim of a steel wire 50 cm in diameter, attach a nylon net with enough small cells to prevent the cancer from escaping. After that, along the entire diameter, the rim is fastened with kapron cords, which are connected and tied into one stronger cord.

Use this device is not difficult. If you are fishing from the shore, then the rakelovku is tied to a sturdy stick, first putting the bait for cancer in the trap. As a bait, small fish, meat, bread are suitable. The rakilovka falls into the water, and as soon as the cancer has got there - it rises.

At the depth of catching in a similar way, the only thing that the rakolovka falls not on a stick, but for a rope from a boat.

How to catch crayfish with a fishing rod

Fishing rod for catching crayfish is different from usual. It looks like this - a wooden stick at one end is sharpened. Just above the point, a fishing line is tied, at the end of which a bait is attached, which is recommended to be wrapped in a nylon or a grid, so that the cancer is more securely clung to the claws.

After the device is ready, the stick sticks into the bottom of the reservoir with a pointed end. Rakolow can only wait until the animal catches the bait.

If you catch cancer at depth, then instead of a stick a large float is used, and a sinker is additionally attached to the bait.

How to catch crayfish

Breden is a special network with a shallow cell. For this method of fishing, several people are needed, the optimal number is three. And, use this method more often at night. Two comb the bottom of the ragged bottom, the third person shines a lantern from the shore. Crayfish go to the light at night and fall into the net.

These are the main ways to catch cancer. Remember that cancer is most active at night, so I better catch the time for this time (from 22 to 03). In addition, the crayfish are maximally large and mobile in the first months of autumn, since from May to August they are busy breeding.

Allowed to catch are crayfish at least 10 cm in length, which it reaches by the third year of life. Catching smaller cancers can be criminally punishable.

If you are not helped by our advice, then usingInternet you can always learn how to catch crayfish - the video will help you. It describes in detail and shows instructions for creating fishing gear and the process of catching cancer.

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