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Where to catch bream?

Bream - the fish are cautious, especially large individuals. Catching them in shallow water is unrealistic. To begin with, catching fish (bream) requires three basic conditions:

  1. Good bait.
  2. Thin line 0.2 mm.
  3. Complete silence.

The habitat of this fish is closed freshwaterwater reservoirs. Bream also lives in rivers, but it is difficult to catch it there, experienced fishermen say that this is a hopeless undertaking. If there is a quiet creek on the river, where there is practically no current, besides it is deep, the chances of catch increase. But this is also in great doubt.

Bait and bait

To feed fish it is necessary within 5-7 days. In this case, the bait is laid to the bottom to a depth of 3 meters. This fish should be taught. The most important thing is that she does not react to moving bait, she needs a calm bait.

If you are interested in the question of how to catch bream correctly, then you should first take care of the bait. Bream usually bites well on:

  • Dung worms, but only that they are a bundle;
  • Larvae of the blizzard;
  • Oparisha;
  • Motyl.

Not bad will go to you fishing and test balls, semolina porridge and steamed peas. The first two are best mixed with the egg.

How to catch bream on donka? This issue should be disassembled from two sides: it is better to catch it at night, use small worms as bait.

If you are interested in other information related to catching bream, then we recommend reading other articles, for example, How to catch bream in winter and How to fish.

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