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How to catch bream in winter?

Bream fishing is a leisurely activity,which requires a great endurance from the fisherman. It's impossible to hurry in such a case. This is if we talk about techniques that are designed specifically for catching such fish as bream. In winter, breams leave, as the fishermen say, to "winter flats", large wintering on pits and going to shallow water areas to feed themselves.

In this article we will talk about how to catch breamin winter. It is in winter, because it is especially exciting, because these fish begin to stray into packs. Therefore, the fisherman simply needs to find this site with the accumulation of bream.

Tackles for catching bream in winter

  • Floating rod. The signaling device for barking is a float. It consists of a spout and fishing line, a sinker and a float. Winter float fishing rod is used for catching bream and on stream, and in standing water.
  • Mormyshka with a nod. The signaling device is a nod. It consists of a mandrel, fishing line, nod and, of course, mormyshki. The appliance can be any, but the simple, compact and lightweight elbows with a cork handle and a vinyl plastic whip are particularly well proven.
  • Mormyshka without a nod and a sinker.

Types of fishing

  • Stationary. Occurs in a familiar place. Several holes are made in the ice. Through them, the fish are fed. It is good, if in this place there will be some reference point for bream, for example, a large stone or a large snag.
  • Zone fishing. The wells are located in different places, but within the selected zone. Fishermen must bypass them with turns to take turns. Then the fisherman will decide where the fish is better and cooler. Often, zone fishing gradually changes into a stationary one with active biting in a hole.
  • Migration. Rybalkovs, using this kind of fishing, constantly change places and drill new holes, thus examining new areas. At the end of winter, this method is more successful, because the holes do not freeze, and the bream, meanwhile, becomes very active.

Bait for bream in winter

  • Bloodworm. It is necessary to watch, that it was necessarily fresh.
  • Worms and caddis flies.
  • Porridge, cereals.
  • Breaded lure. It can be bread, cake, bran, ground biscuits.
  • Ice briquettes. To do this, you need to freeze the vegetable lure or the bloodworm in small molds in the freezer. Then it sinks to the bottom and it definitely does not blow down the current.

On the eve of winter fishing, the bream needs to be fed so that the fish understand that you can get food at this place.

Catching bream on mormyshka

  • Nod. It is worth paying special attention to. The length of the nod should be 10-12 cm, this will ensure a smooth game of mormyshki.
  • Stationary mormyshka. The nod, in this case, should be above the hole, bending under the load of the mormish, which touches the bottom.
  • Playing mormyshka. The reaction of fish is important here. Mormyshka creates fluctuations in the water, which are similar to the movements of living organisms.

Catching bream in winter on mormyshka playing has its own special techniques. Therefore, they should be considered separately.

Technique of playing with mormyshka

  • Smooth rise at an altitude of about 5 cm and a smooth descent.
  • Tapping on the bottom, after a series of active lifts.
  • Slow rise to a height of 30 cm with frequent fluctuations.
  • Sharp twitching and high frequency oscillations.

Catching bream in winter on the current is prettyA difficult way, albeit the most promising. In winter, bream is not so active, it is due to a lack of oxygen in the water. And in places where there is a current, the oxygen level is stable, so the bream behaves more actively and remains in one place until the food runs out.

Features of catching on the current

  • Guess the place. Typically, this is the area where the current connects to a quieter area. In this area there are usually pits where the bream is hidden from frosts.
  • Feel the bottom. You need using sonar to calculate the depth. In the deepest places of the flow of the river to make the hole.
  • Wells. It should be done at a distance of 15 or even 20 meters from each other. Closer should not be, because it is unlikely that the bream will stay in one place for a long time.
  • Catching. Catch on the current can be on an ordinary fishing rod, use a hook or mormyshku-it already depends on the preferences. You can try to catch in one hole with the help of a mormyshka, in the other one-hook.
  • Feed the fish. To bream longer stay in one place it must necessarily be fed.
  • Select several wells. Based on the strength of the bite.

Now you know, how can catching bream in winter, video on this topic, most likely, you will also be interested. Happy fishing!

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