There are many beliefs about werewolves. They are wolf-people who in the daytime are people, and at night turn into wolves. How to become a wolf, is it difficult, what are the ways of reincarnation? These and other questions will be answered in this article.

Do not think that it is very simple. Reincarnation requires a lot of money from a person, both physical and moral. If someone wants to quickly turn into a wolf, without spending a lot of effort, the following recommendations will work:

  • It is necessary that you bite a werewolf. Everything is simple enough, but you will first have to find such a wolf.
  • A more accessible option is to eat wolf meat.
  • And the last. It is necessary that someone curses you. The stronger the curse, the better, so you must the one who curses you, very much offend.

If one of your parents is a werewolf, then this is a one hundred percent guarantee that you are a werewolf too. So in this case there is no reason to worry.

Other tips

Not everyone can choose one of the above described methods of reincarnation for purely aesthetic and hygienic criteria. Therefore, we recommend other methods.

  • First of all pay attention to people, how they treat you, turn around, look surprised. If all this is present, then you can start.
  • You will definitely need a wolf skin. Find it in any ways and means. Without it reincarnation does not take place.
  • Having put on a skin, you should feel like an animal. You must think like a wolf, move just like that, feel everything with your inner self like an animal. Become one with the wolf.
  • Close your eyes, concentrate, imagine that you have already become a wolf.

Yes, it's a long process. We will have to wait a long time, work hard on ourselves. But this is the most effective option to become a wolf. If the first time you did not work, do not be upset. You can repeat all this again and again. Especially on a full moon, because a werewolf most often turns from a man into an animal in the full moon. It is she who gives birth to the processes of reincarnation. So work on yourself, wait and hope, and everything should necessarily turn out for you.

If you are interested in additional information, we recommend that you read the article How to Become a Werewolf.

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