What fun in the gray autumn evenings, if notneedlework! Embroidery, weaving with beads, knitting ... what only women can not do! True, it seems to some that handicrafts are not available for everyone. For the most part, the reason for such thoughts is the consequences of a bad experience. Often, women who want to make something, choose at first a very difficult task and eventually throw it, disappointing in themselves and regretting the money spent on materials.

In this article, let's talk about simple ways of needlework that will make you believe in yourself. We suggest you to build something from improvised materials - for example, from textiles.

So, what can be made of cloth?

How to make flowers from cloth

To make a flower from a fabric, we will additionally require only materials that are in any house - paper, scissors, a needle, a thread, a pencil (pen), chalk (or a small thin piece of soap).

So, draw on paper the elements of our flower. If you want to make a rose from the fabric, the elements will have to be prepared quite a lot, but the work will still be simple and of the same type. By the way, if you can not draw the flower elements yourself, to help you - the Internet, in which you will find a bunch of stencils.

If you want a flower with a stem and leaves, it will take a little more materials, namely, starch and wire. The former is used to impart stiffness to the fabric, and the second is used for the stalk framework.

By the way, this article can be made even from the remains of cloth and small scraps.

How to make flowers from cloth

More serious work - the production of dolls of cloth, although there are no special difficulties here.

So, how to make a doll made of cloth? There are many ways, but since our article for beginner needlewomen, let's talk about how to make a so-called "motowner doll" - a classic old Russian craft.

We need:

  • flap cloth of various colors,
  • cotton wool,
  • pharmacy gum,
  • scissors
  • compass (or saucer).

Let's get to work:

  1. Each color flap is made into a circle;
  2. We roll a ball out of cotton wool - the head of our doll;
  3. Cover the ball alternately with pre-packaged rags and fix each layer with an elastic band;
  4. The final layer is a white flap, a jig and two elastic bands placed on the sides form the chest and hands of the doll;
  5. We cut out a triangle - a "kerchief" for our doll, we dress it and ... it's done!

It is important to note! Kukle Motanka can draw or embroider eyes, nose and mouth, but in Russia in olden times dolls never painted faces, for fear that they might be inhabited by an evil spirit.

Of course, this is not all that can be done fromcloths with their own hands, but for the master-beginners of these two starting tasks, it will be quite enough, and only then you can take for more complex cases!

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