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How to learn to play the guitar from scratch?

Probably, many of us at least once thought abouthow you can learn how to play the guitar at home. Learning to play the guitar - it's quite simple, but at the same time a very painstaking process that requires patience and attention. In this article, we'll look at the basics of theory that will help you quickly learn how to play the guitar.

Basic Guitar Elements

Let's enumerate the basic concepts that will be needed when learning to play the guitar.

The frets are the sections on the neck that are separated by transverse partitions (paddles) and numbered, beginning with the pin mechanism at the end of the neck (I, II, III, etc.).

The classical bass guitar has 6 strings, which are numbered from bottom to top with figures from 1 to 6. The string "1" is the thinnest, and "6" is the thickest.

Before picking up the guitar, you must learn three things:

  • to be able to hold the right hand relaxed and free;
  • to sit properly;
  • to hold the guitar correctly.

Arrangement of hands and numeration of fingers

Right hand, we extract the sound on the guitar. It is very important that the hand is relaxed. Put your right hand on your knee and twist it alternately with all your fingers in such a way as if you are playing on strings. This exercise should be repeated several times to feel how the fingers of the hand become more and more free and independent of each other in movements.

To play guitar

The left hand should cover the neck tightly when playing. The thumb is either slightly bent or straight, but in any case it should always be parallel to the frets. Do not press the thumb of the left hand strongly against the neck, because the muscle of the thumb can be sore due to this. For the convenience of describing the process of playing the guitar, the fingers of the left hand are numbered:

  • index - 1;
  • average - 2;
  • unnamed - 3;
  • little finger - 4.

First extract sound

First, take the first finger of your left handThe first string is on the third harmony, and with the thumb of the right hand, hook this string to extract the sound. Your goal is to get a clear and clear tone of sound. To do this, you need to place the first finger

To play guitar
as close as possible to the door.

Then repeat the exercise with the first finger on theAnother string and a different fret and achieve a clean sound. Exercise this way until you clearly remember the numbering of frets, fingers and strings, and also do not fix the ability to extract sonorous sounds.

During the game, sit smoothly, but not tense. Do not press the guitar hard to yourself, so as not to distort the acoustic effect.

How can you learn how to play the guitar from scratch?

The most important thing in playing the guitar is to be able to takechords. To begin with, consider one of the most common and simple chords - the chord Am. For him we will need to use strings 2, 3 and 4, fingers 1, 2 and 3 and I and II frets.

  1. Finger 1 you need to hold the string 2 to the first fret;
  2. Finger 2 clamp the string 4 on the II fret;
  3. And finger 3 also on II fret clamp the string 3.

Once all the fingers are in place, with your right hand, lift the strings slightly and listen for a sound. If the sound is not very clear, then try

To play guitar
place the fingers of the left hand closer to the door, andkeep your right hand as relaxed as possible. After you achieve a sonorous sound, you can try to learn other chords, the schemes of which can be viewed at yf site

If you can not get the rightmost likely, your guitar is upset. Experienced guitarists can customize it by ear, but for beginners with zero musicians there are special services that allow online guitar tuning. For example, Also there are electronic tuners, which can be bought in music stores.

To fix the chord extraction skills, you must repeat the same chord until you can play it intuitively, that is, without thinking about the location of your fingers.

Further training

After you learn how to extract chords,you can start learning more complex things, including brute force and guitar combat. To learn the basics of playing the guitar with these techniques, see How to Play the Guitar.

Also, to maximize the effectiveness of learning to play the guitar from scratch, you can use the services of tutors after studying chords or take courses to achieve real mastery.

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