The most popular stringed musical instrument is a guitar. Learn to play it can almost everyone, regardless of gender and age. The main thing in this business is desire and perseverance.

To play the guitar you can fight, brute force,tablature and by notes. The last two methods of extracting sound are the most complex and will suit more experienced musicians. For beginners, it's important to learn how to fight and use brute force. If the technique of fighting can be mastered in the first few sessions, many people do not get busted for a long time.

What is bust

Bust is the extraction of sounds, in whichthe fingers of the right hand touch the strings in a certain order. The game by brute-force gives more melodic and deep melodies. There are a lot of guitar pick-ups, it's possible to count about 60 basic ones, in practice it will be useful about 20, but for beginners the ability to play 3-5 kinds of busting will be the highest class.

Recall that the numbering of strings on the guitar goes from the bottom. Thus, the thinnest and lowest string is the first, and the thickest - the sixth.

The basic rules: how to play the guitar by brute force

The overflows are indicated by numbers, where each digitimplies the number of the string underneath which must be pulled. For example, bust 5-3-2-1-2-3 - one of the simplest. Let's see how to play it ... Put any simple chord that you prefer to Am or Em. Now, with the thumb of the right hand, pull the fifth string, then the index finger - the third, the middle - the second and the unnamed - the first. It is better to repeat the busting on one chord several times in order to "fill your hand", you can even play without pinching the strings to the left with your hand. If everything works out, then try to alternate the bass, i.e., pull the 6 string one time, and then 5. When it's good to get and alternate, you can try changing the chords already. Over time, the hand will get used to, and it's easy to play any melodies.

Another simple and beautiful search is bass (5 or6 string) - 3-2 and 1 (together) - 3. Here you need to pay attention to the fact that the second and the first string must be pulled together, the so-called pinch. If the first bust is more suitable for slow songs, then this kind of busting can be used in more dynamic melodies.

Very beautiful sounds the following bust: bass - 3-2-3-1-3-2-3 This bust does not work out the first time, you have to practice it longer. But it's worth it to learn how to play it.

In fact, in order to play any bust, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  1. The setting of the fingers (the thumb always pulls the bass string, the index finger - the third, the middle - the second and the unnamed - the first one).
  2. The chords will need to be clamped harder than when playing a fight, since all the strings sound when you're sorting, and any unread string will unpleasantly ring.
  3. You can play the guitar by brute force with the help offingers, nails or a mediator. If you play with your fingers, the sound is more deep and velvety, when you play with your fingernail or mediator - the sound is loud and loud. It is better to practice playing by all means.
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