In this article we will tell you everything about the correctand accurate shooting in the cult game Counter Strike, or as it is still abbreviated as CS. At once we will tell to you, that conducting single and not professional fights in spite of it differs from fights of command, where tactics and command game as a whole are applied. Therefore, this manual is intended primarily for conducting single combat, where, above all, everything is decided by the accuracy and speed of fire. We will help you learn and understand how to shoot a cop.

To begin with, we will explain to you where to shoot.

Direction of firing

Definitely to hit as soon as possiblerival, you need to shoot at the head, accurately and quickly. As a rule, the first bullet fired hits the target, but to be sure, fire a burst in 2-3 rounds, then the opponent will have less chance of survival.

Where is he aiming

Often players aim the enemy in the head, butif in this situation it is difficult, aim in the body. But in order to get to the points you are aiming at, it is necessary to know about such a game parameter as the spread of weapons. The scatter means a deviation in the shooting, in which the first few rounds are flown to the target, and then, under the action of recoil, the bullet begins to throw away from the center of the target, that is, aiming at the enemy and shooting the burst, there is no certainty that after releasing the half of the clip of the machine, you can hit him. As a rule, most of the bullets will fly past the target, and at this time the enemy will be able to calm you off. And then, you ask yourself: I've driven him into the cage, and he shot me a couple of times, and now, the fragment is lost, and I start the game again?

But still, how to learn to shoot at the COP? It is necessary to understand how this ill-fated "spread" occurs. As a rule, the spread of bullets occurs along the trajectory upward and slightly to the side. The smallest spread is possessed by semiautomatic machines and shotguns. The sniper rifles do not have a spread, but it's standing, sitting, it's almost impossible to get in traffic, the spread can be 4-5 meters. The machine gun also has a huge spread. Rifles in this regard are universal. For example, the familiar Cig and Aug, in the alternative shooting mode, have greater accuracy and less scatter. And even more accurate shooting can be obtained by tempo shooting. That is, without hooking LMC to land in the opponent clip, and shoot alternately, but quickly pressing the same mouse button, adhering to a short pause between bursts of 2-3 rounds. The most successful weapon in terms of spread, you can call a semi-automatic MP5, which equally shoots both when moving, and from an immovable position.

How to shoot in COP 1.6

First, the spread. As we have already explained to you, it is directed upwards and to the side. Therefore, when you are forced to fire bursts, point to the enemy not the center of the sight, but its upper, slightly offset side. That is, when firing a burst, the scatter is up, then you need to aim slightly below the opponent's belt, and slightly pointing the sight to the side. At the same time, during the spread, the barrel will rise, and it will hit the enemy's body and head, and not the ceiling of the room. An understanding of how the dispersion occurs correctly comes with experience. First, practice on the bots, and then, having understood the essence of the shooting, you can start and fight online. Now about the positions. If someone told you that from a position of sitting to shoot better, you can safely call it a noob. Yes, it is possible in some situations it helps, but basically, sitting down while shooting, you sign yourself a death sentence, since it's easier to get into a sitting rival, and if you play a little, you will notice it yourself. It is best to shoot short bursts and with dashes. That is, they palned - aside, palnuli - in the reverse, thus, you make sharp jerks aside, or strafe. It's getting harder to get into you, but you have to get used to the tactics of fighting on the go. Also, do not shoot, jumping from the stairs, or abruptly running out of ambush, because your surprise is completely reduced to zero, inaccurate shooting. Remember that breaks between queues reduce the spread of bullets, but believe the sight is not worth it, since it does not display a real scatter. So train and practice again.

And now let's sum up the results, or how to shoot the cop correctly:

  • Shoot the head or body, not in the hands or feet.
  • Shoot with long bursts is only with a blockade fire or a short distance.
  • Semiautomatic machines or shotguns are effective only in corridors and at short distances.
  • The smallest spread of bullets occurs in the sitting and standing positions.
  • Always watch the cartridges, recharging takes time, for which you can "sew".
  • Beat the first, in many respects everything is decided by reaction.
  • The first bullets fly to the target, better aim.
  • Do not shoot from the stairs, in flight and with an ambush.
  • While running, keep the gun at the level of the opponent's head.
  • Never hurry to rush to the opponent's base first, as you are clearly waiting there.
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