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How to make a dog from a ball?

Since childhood we have seen interesting figures fromballs, on the screens of our TVs. But, which is the most popular figure? Naturally, the dog! A dog is a person's friend and can be made from a ball without special skills. To do this, you will only need a special extended ball and pump. Your child will be very happy to receive such a gift. So, how to make a dog out of a ball?

  1. First, we inflate our ball, it's better to do itwith a special pump. This saves you time. Spray the ball not to the end, otherwise it may burst when you form a figure. Or the figure of the dog will not be proportional. We tie the tip with your fingers. We do not use thread.
  2. After that, we twist the first part of the inflatedball. We measure a small part and twist several times. The second, the same part, must be equal to the first. But the third - a little more. The fourth segment should be equal to the second. Keep all twisted parts by hand so that they do not come loose. It is clear so far, how to make a dog out of a ball? Continuation of the lesson below!
  3. Next, you need to twist the last and first part of our ball. So we will make a muzzle. The oblong part of our ball will be a paw.
  4. Tightly hold our dog, otherwise the twists can blossom. Then make a second paw to the dog.
  5. After that, measure a little more of the balland form the abdomen. The hind legs are the same as the fore legs. What is left, you let go for the tail! That's all, you already have a dog from the ball.

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