An openwork pattern is always beautiful. It is suitable for various blouses, and for shawls, and for scarves. In this article we will describe how to tie an openwork scarf with knitting needles and crochet.

Knitting a scarf with knitting needles

  • Before you start knitting, you needto choose the right thread for the product. It should be a high-quality, smooth and not very dark yarn. The thickness of it will depend on your desire, fit both thin and thick.
  • So, we knit an openwork scarf with knitting needles. Need to type on the spokes of 26 loops. Next, bind the purl and facial loops, then the pattern, which has the name Paired leaves, and finish with a purl and facial loop.
  • The openwork pattern is knitted like this: The 1st and all odd rows are tied, 10 backsets and 2 face loops. The second is as follows: 6 facial; then 2 together, tilt to the left; nakid; tie two purlins; nakid; then the front loop and again the cape; and then one loop is removed, the two are tied together face-to-face, the loop is removed and the six loops are sewn with the faces. Then we will continue to tell you how to tie an openwork scarf.
  • The fourth row should be knit like this: 4 facial loops; 2 loops together, tilt to the left; a face loop; then a crochet; facial; again a crochet; facial; After this, one loop must be removed, two should be tied together, the front one; from the top, take off the removed loop and tie the remaining four face.
  • The 6th row from the 4th is slightly different. It is as follows: you need to tie 2 facial; then 2 together, tilt to the left; 2 facial; nakid; facial; again a crochet; 2 facial, 2 purlins, then 2 facial, again capitulum, facial, capis, 2 facial, then you need to remove the loop, tie together the 2 subsequent ones, transfer the removed loop and tie the last 2 loops with the facial.
  • The last row of the pattern is as follows: first 2 together, tilt to the left; 3 facial, then nakid, again facial, again nakid, 3 facial, nakid, litsaaya, nakid, 3 facial, the loop is removed, 2 are tied together, and the knitted loop is thrown over.
  • After the loops of the main panel are closed, you need to type along the long edge of the scarf any arbitrary number of loops for the frill, and knit it with the necessary width.

You learned how to tie an openwork scarf with knitting needles. Schemes and samples can be found on the Internet.

Crochet Crochet

To knit an openwork scarf crochet will need 100g of soft yarn, the thickness of it should be medium, and the hook number 2. So, how to tie an openwork scarf crochet.

  • Tie a pigtail from the air loops. Its length should be equal to the width of the scarf. The number of loops is calculated, it must be a multiple of 5, plus four hinges for the edge, on each side by 2. For example, type 54 loops.
  • Enter the hook in the 4th loop, count the lead from the loop that is on the hook, and tie the column with one crochet. This is the edge of the scarf. Next, go to the main pattern.
  • 2 loops to pass, and from the 3rd loop, you need to tie a group of 5 bars to the crochet, that is, the loop must be inserted every time in the same loop.
  • Skip 4 air loops, in the 5th, again, tie a group of 5 bars with a crochet.
  • So it tucks up to the end of the pigtail. On the 2 extreme hinges is fastened on the 1st column with the crochet, it will give a beautiful edge. We pass to the next row.
  • Bind 2 air loops. Insert the hook into the second column of the previous row and tie a 1 bar with a crochet.
  • Then enter the hook into the group, in the middle column, and tie the same group in it. So it fits to the end of the row.
  • Then repeat the pattern of the 1st row, then the 2nd and so on. A scarf of the required length is matched. In this example, it is ninety-six rows.
  • The edge of the scarf is tied with the main pattern. At the corner we sew an additional group of columns with a crochet so that the corner is not pulled or wrapped.
  • After that, the long edge of the scarf is tied. A group of bars is tied by inserting a hook over the edge column.
  • The scarf should be decorated with brushes. They are made as follows: the yarn needs to be cut into threads, the length of which is 20 cm. Next, you need to take six threads, fold them in half, pull them out with a hook between the groups of columns. The ends of the threads are stretched into the formed loop by a hook and the knot is tightened.

We told you how to knit an openwork scarfand discovered two ways of this skill. We hope that our lessons will help you realize your dream and create a beautiful product with your own hands for yourself or as a gift.

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