Let's try our hand at drawing and try to portray two kissing lovers. How to draw a couple in love with a pencil? The easiest way is to do it step by step.

  • Step 1. Let's start drawing and outline of circles, which will represent the heads of both characters. So we will determine their approximate shape, size and location on a piece of paper.
  • Step 2. The next stage will be the formation of the forming lines of the bodies of our lovers. Think about how to draw a loving couple. This may take some time. Do not rush, you'll have to try to get it right.
  • Step 3. Now determine the position of the hands. For example, they are represented by blue lines. Black lines draw the right hand of the girl, which the viewer will not be visible. We will designate it to represent well how it is located. Denote the joints in small circles.
  • Step 4. Now we'll start drawing the characters' hands more thoroughly. We will be guided by the blue lines drawn in the previous step.
  • Step 5. At this stage, carefully draw the characters' figures, giving them a more realistic look. Do not forget to remove the auxiliary strokes before you get into the details of the drawing.
  • Step 6. Now, let's draw in detail the faces, hair, clothes, hands of the characters. Draw the visible lines, removing all unnecessary.
  • Step 7. Now you can start experimenting and add individual features to the faces and clothes of the kissing couple. So, let's move on to the last step!
  • Step 8. Now finish the drawing to perfection. Remove all unnecessary, fix the errors, select what is boring, make the lines more clear. Apply shadows where it is required or color. Now, you know how to draw lovers. Remember, the more you paint, the better you will get!

How to draw lovers

The article is prepared on the basis of the materials of the site www.dragoart.com

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