In the modern world, everything is changing so rapidly thatsometimes there is no time to stop and think: what, in fact, is happening to our personalities, why do human feelings become more and more lightweight, relations are fleeting, families are incomplete? The list of problems can be continued for a very long time. Thinking about them a person can only inspire the thoughts of great people, works of art, which are set out in books. But now they have become much less read. And why do not they read the books? What prevents people from enjoying the most valuable, what is in society - a gold reserve of human wisdom?

The speed of life

If you recall the situation in society for another 30-35 yearsback, it can be understood that people had much more free time. The adult person went to work, and then completely could devote himself to the family and his own inner growth. Now, in order to feed the family and start living at least on an average level, it is necessary to work very much. Often, after one job, you have to flee to another. More and more people become individual entrepreneurs, and they work for 18 hours a day.

Many seek to become leaders toincrease your income. But, acquiring a position, the employee acquires and much more responsibilities, the amount of work increases. In this situation, even the sleep of time is not enough, whether to books? And the phrase - I can not read books, actually means that they just have no time to read. Even schoolchildren stopped taking in the hands of the work of the classics, preferring them to view the adaptation of novels and novels.

Film and TV

Of course, it's easier to watch a movie in an hour and a half,than 2 weeks to read "War and Peace". That is - faster. This is the first reason for not reading. The second is in the preference for using multiple channels of perception, without straining the imagination. People who do not read books do not like to think, they choose bright visual images. And with amazing special effects and simple subjects of modern films, this choice becomes very clear. In the process of watching the film, there is an impact on the hearing, sight in the most vivid forms. It uses the effects of music, timbres and intonations, colors and shades, and in some cases poetry. But the most important difference from the book is that a person does not need to think about what a hero looks like, the landscape, his actions, everything appears ready before him on the screen. And it is very convenient for those who are not used to thinking at all. Such, unfortunately, in our society a lot.

Modern gadgets

Children, adolescents, and adults, do notpicking up paper books. Buy e-books, they download literary works from the Internet. Adolescents read "fantasy" fentezi, adults are fond of incomprehensible quality detectives. But these are the books that are not worth reading. These modern "bestsellers" are always of poor quality, they practically do not learn anything, they even set it up for cruelty, aggression, easy life. Before teaching schoolchildren to think, read, analyze, it is necessary to instill in them a taste for serious literature. Only parents can help them. If they begin to read wise books with children, then generation after generation, people will start to read more.

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