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How to make a crossbow of paper?

In the office everything is heated to the limit, it does not helpto cool the heat even ice-cold ice cream? Quite a bit and an unforgettable battle will begin, and you do not have a weapon ... Then you definitely need to learn how to make a crossbow from paper yourself. For this we need: office paper, twine, ice cream sticks, scotch tape and origami knowledge.


Let's consider in detail how to make a crossbow frompaper. Let's make the basic parts. This is a tensioning mechanism with two arches of bow. Take the sheets of paper, in the number of four pieces, add a pile and cut it in half.

  • Cut the halves tightly on a pencil, fix it with adhesive tape and wrap it around the whole surface. This gives strength and elasticity to the workpieces.
  • We divide the wand into three identical parts and insert 1/3 into one of the tubes.
  • We break off our wand by the mark, insert this end into the next tube and also tear off the made mark.
  • Pieces that are left of the sticks are notwe throw them away, they will still be needed. We will insert the whole stick from the other end of the tube to the stop, making sure that the already inserted broken part is perpendicular to the length.
  • Now the long sticks are inserted into both tubes and, where they are connected, we will fade them at an angle of 90 degrees. The tensioning mechanism is made.
  • The next step is to make a crossbow carriage, to it we attach all the other details. We take the paper, add four sheets in half and screw it onto a pencil, as tightly as possible, fix it with adhesive tape.
  • Straighten the front edge of the carriage. Using tape, attach the tensioning mechanism to the main part for short ends. We tie a piece of twine of suitable length to the ends of the rods.
  • We make the trigger. Knife cut the slot in the carriage so that it was tilted to the rear of the crossbow. A short section of the stick is divided in half and inserted into the hole. As a result, we get a strained bowstring, which because of the inclination does not cling anywhere and does not slip.
  • We twist a strip of paper on a pencil so thathe walked freely through it. The made tube is attached to the front part of the carriage using scotch tape. It plays the role of the trunk and directs the pencil on the shot.
  • Two compressed tubes are attached with adhesive tape to the topside of the trigger. It should turn out that they will be relative to the trigger in height, and the bowstring rests against the center of the end of the pencil, which lies between these tubes.

Now you know how to make a crossbow from paper.

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