For a long time already everyone knows the game "Mainkraft", thousandsusers of PC for a long time enthusiastically playing the game. But not everyone knows all the secrets in it. We tried to reveal some secrets for fans of the game Minecraft. How to make a diamond generator? Let's talk about it today.

Creating the Lower World

During the game, you are sure to meet at yourways a lot of difficulties. After all, this game, like many others, has its secrets and pitfalls. If you have wondered about how to make a diamond generator, then read it carefully.

To create a diamond block generator for usyou will need to create a portal to the Lower World (Hell). If someone does not know, the portal is built of obsidian blocks. To do this, you need to vertically position the obsidian blocks in the shape of a frame (a rectangle with a "hole" in the middle). The area of ​​this "hole" should be two blocks in width and three in height. After that, you need to ignite one of the lower blocks. Thus at once the portal is formed. The lighter is crafted from one iron ingot and one silicon. This can be done in the inventory by placing these elements diagonally in the crafting window. To use the portal, you need to stand for a few seconds. But this does not need us now. Our portal is part of the diamond block generator.

Connect the walls

The basis of the portal must be on onelevel with the current surface. That is, it must stand so that it can be entered without a jump. Now, from each portal column, build in one direction a wall with a height of one block and a length of 6-9 of any blocks (9 is the maximum). Join these two walls with two more blocks. Thus, you have a ditch that ends with a portal. Now, on the opposite side of the portal, pour two buckets of water to create a water slide flowing to the portal. Put a workbench on the wall.

We get diamond blocks

Now jump into the water, open the workbench andput a diamond block in it (craft of 9 diamonds). When you flow to the portal, the window of the workbench will close and 2 diamond blocks will jump out of it. The first rises without problems. To take the second, you need to stand up, on it to open inventory and move the raised block from the cell to the cell. At the same time, you will have another block, and the one that was lying on the ground will remain there.

It is important not to try to dock the raised blocks - whenOnly 1 of them will remain. But you can go to the workbench and one by one to disassemble these blocks for diamonds. Then again, go to the lying "buggy" block. Pick it twice and go to the bench again. Thus, you can copy any items. Who has not figured out, ask youtube channels for the game Maincraft, how to make a diamond generator.

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