Knitted things, perhaps, the most beautiful clothesfor your child and, of course, for a caudate pet. In the article we will talk about how to tie a costume to a child for a New Year's matinee and a suit for a newborn, and also you will learn about the secrets of knitting costumes for dogs. And at the end of the article you are waiting for some surprises.

How to tie a New Year's costume

Of the children's New Year costumes, the most popular is the hare suit, which, for children's holidays, was probably dressed up every second (and I too). So, how to tie a bunny costume?

  • First, take the necessary materials. We will need a knitted suit of light or dark gray color (depending on what kind of bunny we will have), slippers, gloves, headband, white velvet, cotton wool and, of course, a needle and thread. Those who wish can also take paints for the face, if the baby wants, as they say, completely immersed in the image. Now take the white velvet and cut out the oval from it, which you then need to sew on the knitted sweater in front - the "paunch" of the bunny is ready.
  • Next, make a tail, for which of white velvetcut out the square and put cotton on it from the wrong side, then bend the corners of the square until we get the ball. Sew this ball will need to be pants - at the tailbone level. Wools can be put and more if the child wants to have a big tail.
  • Now let's start making ears. For this we cut them out of gray fabric, and for the inner side we need white velvet. We sew the applique and sew each ear from the wrong side and turn it out. We take the wire, bend it in the right shape and then insert it. The wire from the ears should be rolled on the head rim and fixed. Here is our suit and ready.
  • If desired, you can also make a mask, and New Year's make-up - for a greater fusion with the image, and even sew a hood.

How to tie a costume for a newborn

Take natural (and only natural) yarnand knitting needles. Knitting must begin at the bottom of the suit - that is, with panties. Now type 40 eye loops, and then knit an elastic band and tie it 2-3 rows along with the thread. Gum is better to take two by two. After that, about 15 cm you need to knit so-called garter stitch. In the same way, connect the second leg of the overalls.

Next, you need to merge the loops. To do this, remove 40 stitches from the right leg from the knitting needle and dial another 10, do the same for the left leg. So you should have 100 loops, while the length of the panties will be about 20 cm.

Starting from the belt, we knit in three parts to get the middle, right and left parts of the overalls. On the right and left parts we type on 30 loops, and in the middle you can type 35.

In order to make an armhole, we subtract a single loop through the row. Now from the beginning of the armhole we sew 10 edge loops. Well, it remains to tie the back of the suit, and our overalls will be ready.

How to tie a suit for a dog

To your pet is not frozen in the winter on the street,what you need - to learn the basics of knitting and tie him a pretty suit. Of course, you can also buy a suit, but the product that you own yourself is much better. Suit for the dog begin to knit from the collar.

First we measure the dog, then we typethe required number of loops (depending on the yarn, see how many loops are obtained in 1 cm) and knit the collar. Now close the hinges and leave about 3 cm for the transition to the back. We type the hinges for the back so that the width of the back is equal to the girth in the sternum. Before the beginning of the paws we knit a continuous cloth, after which we cut the hinges on the sides, leaving the middle of the backrest. Next, we fix the middle part of the neck and trunk and try on our puppy the resulting basis - if necessary, we bind some parts.

It's time to tie panties for the back andfront paws. The back panties need to be sewn to the notch by the outer side, while leaving the inner side free. So our overalls are ready - now the animal will be warm in any frost. If desired, you can also tie a scarf and cap for him, although my dog ​​was good without it.

useful links

  • Here is a beautiful photo illustration of New Year costumes for children.
  • And here you will find another instruction on knitting an excellent overalls for a baby.
  • Finally, a link for those who decided to makepleasant for your pet - just select the model you want and read the instructions. Any variant is accompanied by good illustrative material.

I hope our article has helped you with such a difficult affair as knitting a costume. Creative success to you!

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