↓ Video - "How to tie a sweater with knitting needles"

Beginners knitters and knitters (somemen also knit - and very successfully) it is quite difficult to understand the schemes that are usually given in various magazines and online publications. However, after mastering the basics of knitting, the question of how to tie a sweater with knitting needles usually does not arise. Here we will give you the basic recommendations for choosing a model and reading the schemes and explain this by a concrete example so that your beautiful daughter or granddaughter very soon could show off a new thing.

How to tie a sweatshirt for a girl: recommendations

First, decide on the model of sweatshirts andsize. For beginners, it's best to choose a description that exactly fits the size, otherwise it will take a long time to select the number of loops: where and how much to subtract or, conversely, add. In addition, keep in mind that it's best to start with simple models - openwork and other complex options should be left for later. Therefore, in the descriptions below, the simplest version is first presented, and then the pair is more complicated. Now I will give you the basic abbreviations, knowing which, you can easily read any scheme.

  • Cx. - circuit.
  • Lit.p. - the front loop.
  • Ext. etc. - the reverse loop.
  • Nak. - CAPITAL.
  • Rev. - to cross.
  • The thread is Osn. - the main color thread.
  • Recall. sp. - auxiliary needles.
  • Peresn. etc. - reseat the loop.
  • Povt. - Repeat.
  • x2, x3, x4 - repeat 2, 3, 4 times.

It will also be useful to know the following abbreviations:

  • Peresn. as in the case of extinction. elm. - reseat the loop, as with the wrong knitting.
  • Peresn. as in the case of persons. elm. - reseat the loop, as in the face knitting.
  • Ext. from prot. - Lifting the broach on the spoke, tie it with the back loop (ie add a loop).
  • Persons. from prot. - Lifting the broach on the spoke, tie it with the front loop (ie add a loop).
  • Ext. crosses. from prot. - lifting the broach on the knitting needle, sew it with a crossed back loop (ie add a loop).
  • Persons. crosses. from prot. - lifting the broach on the spoke, tie it with a crossed front loop (ie add a loop).
  • 2 (3) st. out. - tie together 2 (3) loops of the wrong side (i.e., 1 (2) loops).
  • 2 (3) st. persons. - tie together 2 (3) hinges of the front (i.e., 1 (2) hinges).

Of course, the abbreviations may differ slightlyfrom description to description - I gave you the shortest to facilitate the task. Knowing them, you can easily understand the rest of the cuts yourself. In addition, if you see instructions in parentheses in the circuit description, repeat the number of times indicated in these brackets. If you encounter square brackets, it means that the instructions given in them refer to a larger thing. Now consider a specific scheme.

How to knit a girl's sweater with knitting needles

Try to tie a warm blouse here over this onescheme with a description: Warm knitted jacket. With the size and amount of yarn, I think it's all clear. The density of knitting is the number of loops per cm, in this case 20 loops per 10 cm or 2 loops per cm. Further, note that abbreviations mean: st. - loop, p. - row. In the rest, as you can see, the author of the description was quite humane and did not overload the text with various abbreviations.

For those who want to connect something more difficultwe recommend this model of a lace blouse. Well, if you are confident in your abilities, here is a description of how to tie a whole suit for a little girl - a sweatshirt with a skirt. And, of course, the video will help you, how to tie a sweater, which you can see below.

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