Today it is not difficult to findfor his smooth-bore gun the necessary ammunition. However, the ability to independently produce a bullet and equip a bullet in the field to a hunter is still necessary. It is likely that the hunt will be prolonged, the cartridges will end, and the hunting store nearby, for some reason will not be! Yes, and go to a serious beast with his own loaded cartridge much calmer.

How to make a bullet in the field?

In a particularly critical case, you can even managewithout a shotgun. You need to take a scrap of newspaper, or better, a sheet of paper and roll it up so that the diameter of the formed tubule is about a millimeter inferior to the diameter of the choke narrowing of the trunk. To the tube does not turn, it must be glued or tied with a thread. Further, the tubule must be vertically inserted into the river sand, it is desirable that it be recruited into a vessel. Further, the molten, soft lead is poured into the neck of the tube, the paper does not burn, and after cooling we get a lead rod. Having chopped off a piece, we rest it in something solid and hit the hammers with sharp angles, giving our product a spherical shape.

The final likeness of the ball is better to confirmmeasurement, but, in extreme cases, fit and visual fit. Bullet rolled through the barrel of the gun and if it passes without delaying - the ammunition is ready for shooting. If the product sticks, it is necessary to chop off a piece of it, then re-shape the ball.

How to make a primitive bullet-proof?

Having in hand the first bullet, but better - suitableon the diameter of the ball, you can make a simple shotgun, after which the process of making bullets will be greatly accelerated. Draw on our ball or bullet the "equator" line and heat it along this line in plasticine, clay or sand. Next, the projected ball is filled with raster gypsum or clay, after solidification of which we get half of the shot. To the ball does not stick, you can grease it with stearin or fat. We put the bullet (ball) into the formed depression and fill it with the solution from the other side, thus forming another half of the machine gun. Inside the formed cavity we make a sprue channel, and on the surface of the product we form a gate entry cone. It remains to finally dry the shotgun and securely fasten both of its halves, which does not make much effort. It is not necessary to warm up a gun-thrower before pouring molten metal. Now you know how to make a bullet and you will not get caught in a hunt.

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