Today we will teach you to click your fingers. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this. After reading this short article, you will definitely acquire this skill.

After clicking your fingers - it's easy!

It is worth bearing in mind that:

  • It is better that the palms are dry.
  • From the first time can not work. By training, you are sure to reach the goal.
  • Do not strain your hand too much. However, it should not be completely relaxed. There must be some intermediate state.
  • The sound of a click comes from the impact of the middle finger on the palm of your hand.

Now let's try to do it. If you are a righty, then try to perform actions with your right hand. If left-handed, then, respectively, left. Connect the middle and thumbs. Make some effort to make the middle finger go down, and big up (slightly to the side). In other words, simply press the middle finger on the big one so that it slides and hits the cushion that is in your hand near the base of your thumb. Too much effort is not worth it.

Now you know how to snap your fingers. Nothing complicated in this. Practice several times, and you will surely hear the cherished click.

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