Sometimes we are forced to conclude some kind ofagreements or apply for services in an organization previously unknown to us. The security of any transaction is a contract signed with such a company. However, recently cases of fraud have spread, when the contract is concluded with a fictitious company, which in fact does not exist. In this case, you risk losing money or losing any property.

To protect yourself, before entering into any transaction, you need to check whether the organization really exists. But how to do that?


The following are the least labor-intensive methods:


Ask the company to provide an extract fromUnified State Register of Legal Entities. Such a paper serves as proof that the company does exist and is registered as a legal entity. The statement should be fresh, at least for the current year.


Since recently, to verify the existenceorganization you can also independently. To do this, you will need to visit a specially created for this purpose site of the Federal Tax Service, located at There, in the allotted fields, you will need to enter OGRN / INN or the name and region of the location of the legal entity, or OGRN / TIN or FIO and the region of residence of the IP or PF.

Before you should appear a plate in which the following data will be indicated:

  • At the jur. persons - name, address, OGRN, TIN, CAT, the date of assignment of OGRN and the date of entry of a record of the termination of activities, if the company is no longer working.
  • Individual entrepreneurs - full name, OGRN, TIN, the date of assignment of the OGRN and the date of entry of the record of the termination of activities.

Clicking on the name of the organization or the name of the IP, you can download detailed information about this organization to your computer in PDF format.

If, after entering the necessary data, you will receive a message stating that no such organization was found by the specified search criteria, most likely, you are dealing with scammers.

In addition, you can also try to guideinformation about the company among your business colleagues whom you trust. But be careful, since it is possible that the company you are interested in is a competitor to your informants. In this case, you risk ruining business relations.

Read also the article How to check the organization.

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