In the language of poetry only the chosen ones communicate,it's a great honor to get into their number, and it's not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Many believe that the ability to write poetry is a gift from God. Famous poets of our time assure that everyone can learn to rhyme decently. There are certain conditions and requirements that must first be learned, and it will also be useful to study some of the theoretical foundations of the subject. Having become acquainted with them, using them wisely, you can try to realize yourself on a poetic path. It will be useful to get acquainted with the advice that the correspondence academy formulates for graphomaniacs. Here are the most basic of them.

Tips for a Beginner Poet

  1. Identify the direction in the literature andselect a specific genre. So it will be easier to concentrate on learning. There is a poetry of journalistic, lyrical, didactic, salon, spiritual, folk - all the varieties do not find, so there is always where to turn around.
  2. Having confirmed the direction, methodically, step by step climb up to the top of the skill, constantly practicing as an athlete, practicing the same technique.
  3. Always remember that the basis of the verse isstop and rhythm, their combination generates a poetic dimension. Free ownership of prosody (a system of sizes) - this is the basis of the basics, without it - anywhere. Therefore, teach theory on the works of classics. Choose the best in your business. Yamb is very good for Pushkin, dactyl for Derzhavin.
  4. Immediately give up plagiarism. Stealing other people's thoughts, you will not give birth to your own.
  5. Trying to take up the development of thehobbies, do not forget that poetry is a figurative comprehension of human experience. It requires a great intellect, so you need to constantly multiply it, doing self-education. Enrich yourself spiritually. If you feel that it is very difficult and far away from you, give up. The catalog of professions will tell you how you can still occupy yourself, preparing for an adult life.
  6. If you are determined to still try to compose, start practicing with the storm, then go on to create songs, constantly look for new ideas, phenomena that can give inspiration.

Enthusiasm for poetry has many advantages. It forces the inquisitive mind to work constantly, to strain the brain gyrations, to master the potential of the native language, to actively develop the speech. The disadvantage of the described hobby is one: mastering it is a very difficult matter.

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