Investor search - the process is rather complicated andresponsible. Even a simple person, giving money on debt, even for the most good cause, does not always do it with great pleasure, requires serious guarantees. And, large investment funds and private investors take care of their means very seriously, they just do not give anything to anyone. Before embarking on concrete steps to "extract" its seed capital, one must carefully study the experience of other businessmen and learn how to find an investor for their project.

Idea and business plan

If you are already looking for an investor, then you havea brilliant idea of ​​business, in which it remains only to invest money. But these two events are very far apart, both in time and in terms of the amount of effort expended.

First you need to transfer your idea into a clear andunderstandable business plan. When you start writing it, remember that it should be short because employees of investment funds will not read all of your four volumes.

The second point of writing a business plan forinvestors - its understandable and accessible language. If you write a purely professional language with a lot of use of terms, how can a financial company employee evaluate the prospects of your plan? But this is for you the most important thing. Therefore, write a business plan together with an economist so that the language of the document is more economic than a specific professional one.

What can attract investors in the business plan?

In your business plan, investors are interested ina few moments, the main of which is the future profit. Who wants to give money without having anything in return. Therefore, you must in the business plan make a clear analysis of the prospects of the idea, its ability to survive in the market, sales guarantees, the volumes that the market can accommodate, how soon the first profit will appear when the business reaches the break-even point. It is profit that will be of interest to investors, in their contract with them you will determine the percentage that they will regularly pay off.

Where to find the investor

  • After the business plan is written, the financialthe attractiveness is outlined in full, you might think where to find the investor. There are many newspapers and specialized magazines where investors place their proposals to businessmen. Believe me, they are interested in investing money in promising projects even more than the authors of ideas. Real "revolving" ideas are caught, they are expected, they are attracted by various advertisements. You, the beginning businessman, you need to find such ads. Internet help you! Hit the "investor base" in the search engine and you will get answers to all the questions. For example, this investment exchange is considered promising.
  • The next way you can go issearch by acquaintances. Ask familiar economists, accountants, bankers to share all the information on this topic. They are sure to tell you who in your locality is investing the business. In addition, investment programs are now launched by many banks on very good terms. Of course, their investments are more similar to loans, but the delay in payment for half a year, the ease of changing the size and timing of payments, the imputed interest and no requirements for owning shares of the future enterprise make their offers very attractive.
  • There is another option, how to find an investor forbusiness. In each region, even in the Russian outback, now there are offices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, business incubators, investment funds. You can always find the coordinates of such a fund in your region both on the Internet and in the small business department of the local administration. Such funds differ in that they were created by the state in order to invest the country's money and multiply them. In 2012, the income from such investments exceeded 2 times that received in 2011. So, if you have an excellent innovative idea and you do not know how to find an investor, try this method too!

We hope, our article will help you in the search for an investor for business. The main thing is to put the right goal and go to it adamantly! Good luck in business!

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