Award - who does not dream about it! What should I do and how to behave at work in order to get a prize? Everything that is connected with money is a very delicate topic. Few of the employees can share with colleagues information about their salary. Firstly, why talk about unnecessary information? Secondly, this information can damage the one who shared it. How? The most common. The simplest envy, anger, subjectively the concept of justice of this world can cause a lot of trouble to naive honest workers. Therefore, money should not be spread.

How to get a prize

The award can be obtained from the boss in several ways. Let's voice them.

  1. The most effective way is to ask for anotherovertime or an additional project. You can motivate your request by the fact that you are limited in means and want to increase the amount of wages. Otherwise, the boss may get the impression that you have a lot of free time and you just want to increase the amount of work. It's also better to stay some time after work, let other employees see your zeal and desire to earn. Undoubtedly, their people who are present, in any organization will report, on this higher leadership. Even if you cope with extra work during working hours, do not rush to show it to others. Everything should be thought out. Otherwise, the boss will get the impression that you previously had a small amount of work and you need to increase it without an additional bonus. It is also necessary to tell the people around you and the management that you are taking work at home. The main thing is to talk about yourself, because many elementary people may not notice your work. There are also the chiefs of such a position that the one who knows how to bring arguments and arguments in his favor is more competent. So do not hesitate to defend your point of view.
  2. The second way is to come up with a new idea, a new project and ask the leadership that you will lead it. First you need to think everything over.
  3. The method is traditional, but not particularly effective -make a report on the work done and show leadership what you do, as they say, "in all its glory." That you are loaded and you need additional material stimulation.
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