Everyone is faced with how to exposeaccount, very often. An example is payment for housing and communal services. Let's figure out what the account is, its types and ways of transferring it to the client.

What is an account?

An account is a regular document that contains thethe seller or performer of the work (legal person or IP), his address, account number and the details of the servicing bank, the list of goods or services payable, indicating the amount, price, and, if necessary, value added tax. For convenience of internal document circulation, the number and date are indicated. Serves as the basis, upon agreement by the manager, for payment by cashless or cash settlement.

A special, approved form of how to exposeaccount, no, all programs for accounting or workflow, use a different design, meaning one: buyer X (sometimes even without requisites), pays the seller Y, with a full list of details, a certain amount for the goods or services. All the conditions for the transfer of goods (performance of services) are stipulated in the contract, the fact of sale (performance of the service) with the wording "passed-accepted" is fixed in the delivery note or the transfer-acceptance certificate. To invoice for payment does not require even the signature of the head and chief accountant of the company! It is enough to sign the person authorized by the order, or even the signature of a simple accountant on the discharge of primary documents.

Why do I need an account?

An account is needed, another means, how to exposeaccount, to accelerate the calculation between the parties simply do not. As a preliminary agreement, where the seller assigns prices for their goods and services, and the buyer, not having a contract (parties in different cities), agrees with them, and on its basis makes payment, and upon receipt of the goods, draws up the remaining documents. The invoice is issued in one copy.

In finance - invoice invoice is alreadyserious economic document. It is used by legal entities and entrepreneurs who are payers of value added tax. Exhibited by the seller or performer, after the sale of goods or services. Used to confirm the payment of VAT and excise duties. In addition, it carries information about the country of origin of goods, the number of cargo customs declaration (in case the goods are imported). Has a strictly established form, is the basis for the buyer to deduct the VAT amounts claimed by the seller (executor). It is issued in two copies.

To bill the organization you need to fill outform of a certain form. Like all documents related to the calculation of the payment of taxes (especially VAT), strictly taken into account, including, and the bill for payment. You can download the form on various sites by contacting the search engine in the search box.

VAT payers received VAT invoicesin the "Books of purchases", and issued in the "Books of Sales." Even if the goods are sold at a 0% VAT rate, this document will still be issued, with the indication in the column of VAT 0. They are filled only by VAT payers. There is one nuance in how to bill a natural person in the case when the buyer (customer) is an individual, or is not a payer of this tax: one invoice for "Sales book" is allowed.

How to invoice a customer?

You can go to the office of the company, make an order,conclude the contract (or without it) and get the account in your hands. After that, pay for the order on the spot in cash or by bank transfer through your bank, using a payment order or a client-bank system. After payment we receive on hand the goods (service) together with the waybill (the certificate of reception-transfer).

With cash payment everything is clear. When paying by transfer, everything is tolerable when the parties are in one small city. And if different regions? It is much more practical by phone to agree on the list and price of goods or services, then invoice for services and receive a copy in any convenient way: by fax or by e-mail. Pay for it, come for the goods in person and get all the original documents (including the aforementioned account), or by agreeing the delivery, get all the documents with the goods or mail.

Here's how simple it is, how to bill,the transaction simplifies the transaction. After all, in fact, being the basis for payment for goods or services, the account does not entitle the seller to the money transferred by the buyer, until the moment of issuance of the delivery note. After invoicing a retailer, you can safely, without fear, transfer money on the basis of a fax or a scanned copy, of course, if you trust the partner. In case of your refusal to pay, no consequences and corrections for the seller!

Before invoicing an invoice, itis issued by the seller upon the transfer of goods or the performance of services. The form and rules of filling are regulated by government regulations. It is filled in the strict requirement with the legislation and is valid only in the original, it is signed by the head and the chief accountant of the enterprise. The invoice is issued on the basis of the contract and is a document confirming the transaction, as well as a document for the report on VAT and excise taxes.

How to correctly bill?

Let's sum up how to correctly invoicefor conducting financial operations. The account is used for prepayment for the goods, services you are interested in. If you invoice for an advance payment for goods delivered earlier than payment, then the invoice or invoice is the basis for paying for the goods (services). Both documents may be filled in by hand, and, on the invoice, a seal is not required.

You can pay by invoice using a fax copy or scan received by e-mail. The invoice is valid only in the original.

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