Two women - two relationships to life

There are women who are most of the time radiant and sincerely happy. They, of course, also have periods of sadness and complexity, but they seem to be fleeting and do not linger in their lives.

And there are, and unfortunately, the majority, who are always unhappy with something, often tired (if not always) and used to overcome problems forever.

What are the differences between the habits and actions of these types of women? What should I do to feel happy and live in a resource?

1. Knowing where you are going

Those women who love life and life love them, always have their own way, plans and goals, they follow this path.

Women who are always tired follow other people's ways and satisfy others. Public opinion is very important for them, and their own is built on MUST and NECESSARY.

2. Environment

Those women who love life and life love them, the environment is bright, positive, radiant. Developing and optimistic.

For "tired women", the environment consists entirely of "victims", the environment is problematic and always complaining about life. It is customary to regret each other, and it's not convenient to talk about joys "suddenly jinx it!".

3. Balanced self-confidence

Those women who love life and love lifethem, No extremes: pride or nothing? Better harmony and balance: (assertiveness = healthy psychological boundaries + right assertive rights). Respect for yourself and understanding that others are good people. A loving parent for herself and a grateful woman for her loved ones. He easily compliments and shares his joy.

At "tired women" - that pride and arrogance, that sensation of full uselessness.

4. Attitude to criticism

Those women who love life and love love them, have a habit of comparing themselves only with themselves and develop individually.

The "tired women" have a habit of comparing themselves with others, then envying, then asserting themselves that someone else is worse.

5. Expectations

Those women who love life and love lifethem, there are no expectations and "should" in relation to others, she knows how to calmly ask and fully understands that she can refuse. I'm used to being able to meet my needs in a healthy way.

The "tired women" have a habit of waiting for the satisfaction of their needs from others. And if it is not enough, take offense at them and accumulate claims. To ask for it is humiliating.

6. Do not forgive, but take

Those women who love life and love lifethem, there is no concept of forgiving. There is a concept to accept and understand the other side. No one needs any forgiveness, just everyone in our lives looks at this world in their own way. Forgiveness means you are offended, and no offense to it.

At "tired women" the habit to take offense and then,at best, spend a huge amount of energy and energy in order to be forgiven in your inner theater. And at every opportunity, again to remember what was offended, to his abuser.

7. Actions and conversations

Those women who love life and love lifethem, the habit of Acting, not talking and thinking for nothing. "You can not put words out of the problem into which you placed yourself in actions." Transfer the problem to the Task. The habit of thinking that everything is solved, it is important to find a way and resources. Or gain experience.

The "tired women" have a habit of talking a lot about what needs to be done, but not doing much of this important. Set aside for later, justifying yourself with employment or problems.

8. Being a Woman

Those women who love life and love lifethem, full awareness that they are women and this is their resource and destination. Care, make-up, sport - willpower, desire to be bright and alive - they do all this daily, with pleasure and, first of all, for themselves.

The "tired women" have a habit of taking care of themselves through force, as a heavy duty and if doing so, for the sake of someone.

9. Liability

Those women who love life and life love them, a habit in all life situations to take responsibility for themselves.

The "tired women" have a habit of shifting responsibility for their actions, feelings and thoughts to others.

10. Relationship to the past

Those women who love life and love lifetheir habitual ability to scoop up the pros from the experience. Learn from your mistakes and say to yourself: "It's good that it happened to me, I came to this conclusion, I got useful, there are many pluses in every situation."

The "tired women" have a habit of suffering from the past, to devalue the past. But if it were then, then I would now ... Or passed and passed, forgotten.

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