What is a woman's attractiveness? And why so often less cute girls bathe in the attention of men, while their ideal girlfriends are alone? We present the list of qualities of attractive women who invariably attract men.


Those who feel their own attractiveness become attractive. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

With a woman who firmly believes in her irresistibility,the surrounding world agrees. Even ugly women, who accepted themselves with gratitude, are much more attractive than the beauties who experience because of a small pimple. A confident woman will never become publicly criticized. It exudes fluids of confidence and sexuality, and men want just such women.

Femininity and tenderness

It's easy to be beautiful; it is difficult just to look beautiful. Frank O'Hara

Strong sex gives preference to femininegirls who allow a man to be a man. Seeking the location of a woman, caring for her, helping, feeling great and strong is his job and pleasure. But it is important not to go too far: the men's helpless helplessness annoys.


Beauty is a promise of happiness. Nietzsche F.

Kindness, the ability to care, admire andforgive distinguishes a beautiful woman from a beautiful doll. A woman who sees good, looks at the world with kind eyes, able to empathize and love, attracts people. Men who are interested in long-term relationships are looking for warmth in the partner.


Sexual attraction is 50 percent of what you really have, and 50 percent of what you have, according to other people. Sophia Loren

Purpose-seeking women are of greater interestthe stronger sex than the passive person, not capable of independent action. An attractive woman knows what she wants, and she never takes the time to look for the guilty. She is the mistress of her own destiny, that's why she is pleasant and comfortable with such a woman.

Ability to live here and now

The judgment that beauty is something superficial is a superficial judgment. Spencer G.
Ability to live here and now, to be present inlife, enjoy every day - such qualities act on men as the strongest magnet. Everyone is pleased with the society of a woman who accepts herself as she is, and grateful to the world around her. Lust, optimism, lack of habit of all to condemn and whine - people with such qualities radiate inner light.

Ability to submit yourself

The most important thing in women's clothes is the woman who wears it. Yves Saint Laurent

Well-groomed, neat, tastefully dressed woman,knowing its strengths and knowing how to emphasize advantages in a profitable way - always admires. And the man will not notice, whether it is fashionable she is dressed, and whether the clothes sit ideally is will note at once. Women, whose clothing beautifully emphasizes the curves, see off.


Economic, no matter how sad it is to hearsome ladies - one of the most attractive qualities. Men appreciate women who are able to maintain cleanliness and tasty food. Creating around themselves a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Such a woman seems to be the embodiment of peace and quiet domestic happiness.


A truly happy woman is capable of driving many men mad - and certainly every other woman. John Irving

Men do not like women whoare annoyed at people and forever unhappy with all who believe that someone is obliged to provide them with a happy life. The ability to be happy, appreciate people around you, notice the positive - to the owner of such a bright inner spirit, people invariably stretch.

Shining interest in the eyes

The woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but to be attractive there are one hundred thousand possibilities. Montesquieu

Interest that a woman shows to herelected, captures the mind and heart of a man. A natural and sincere sympathy can attract almost anyone. An attractive woman is not afraid of her desires and is not embarrassed to tell a man what exactly she wants - neither in a restaurant, nor in bed.

Ability to communicate

What is, in the end, external shine? Simply the feeling of tact, thanks to which you sow, when no one sees you, and reap when you are all in sight. Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Men like open, sociable,interesting interlocutors, but they do not build a knowledgeable all-knowing. An attractive woman will be witty, but abstruse - never. She listens with interest, what the man says, allows him to feel resourceful, resourceful, strong. And next to such a woman, he will be willing to be.


There are no ugly women, there are only women who can not be beautiful. Jean de Labruier

Gestures of an attractive woman are smooth and graceful. She has an ideal posture and an amazing gait. By her movements you can see how well she treats herself. The peculiarity inherent in it when walking - shaking the hips - the men find it hypnotically beautiful.


Attractive makes us a good mood. Yefim Der Spiegel

Smiling women with a sense of humor attractmuch more men than gloomy and ever-dissatisfied ladies. Smile is not only a cheerful disposition, but also a sign of energy and love of life. In the radiant eyes of an attractive woman, a man sees a promise of pleasure.

Naturalness and sincerity

Women's attractiveness is only strong when it is natural and spontaneous. Marilyn Monroe

Any pretense repels. An attractive woman is natural, open and free from complexes. Men are drawn to sincere. Really attractive women prefer to be, not to seem.

Undoubtedly, the possessor of these qualitiesattract men. But, perhaps, the most important (and available to any woman) quality - the ability to be yourself, to be natural. Because once it attracts that single man who needs a real you.

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