Men and women tend to assumesomething about each other. We do not know for sure, but we like to guess what the opposite sex likes. Sometimes such misunderstandings are simply ridiculous, and sometimes they can lead to serious problems in the relationship.

The following features and behavior are what women look like to men, but in fact they hate it. So, ladies, the following things are not at all syssual for men:

A languorous voice

The fact that most girls this sounds unnatural, which in turn makes a man think that he is talking with an insincere person.

Model figure

Of course, many men like thisshapely girls. But usually they do not stay with too attractive. They think that very beautiful girls will change them or just throw them for someone better. Yes, it's science and statistics. In a wife, men choose to themselves girls simpler.

To seem stupid

Many girls are making themselves silly, so that a man supposedly felt smarter and better, thinking that it would attract him. But this is not so, especially if you want a lasting serious relationship.

Whims and hysteria

Some women think that their whims and hysterics will seem more feminine for a man. But in fact, this is clearly not what he needs.

Too chubby lips

This is fashionable, especially since injections of fillersbecome more accessible. But in fact, not all men like plump lips, especially when they already look unnatural and make a girl look like a duck.

Make it look like a crappy girl

These girls like bad guys. And men like crappy girls just for sex, but obviously not for creating a family.

Always suffer

This is in the cartoons princes save the suffering princesses. And in life, men do not like girls who can not take care of themselves. It is not interesting and does not cause her any respect.

To agree with him in everything

Often girls try to agree with everything inman, just to please him, even if he does not like it himself. It does not attract, but rather repels, because a man wants a woman with her own views and values.

Try to seem strange

Some girls try to seem strange inone way or another, to interest a man, especially if he is a creative person and himself is strange. But the truth quickly emerges outward, and in a relationship you have to be yourself.


You may think that to men it seems sweet and funny, but most of them are just annoying.

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