8 signs that you are trapped in an emotional manipulator
Many know by themselves what it's like to feel that you are being manipulated. Emotional impact can be very effective, and some people actively use it.
It undermines your faith in your own sanity
Emotional manipulators - extraordinarilytalented liars. They insist that they did not do anything, although you saw it, or they say that they said something, although you know exactly what they did not say. The trouble is that they lie so well that in the end you question your own sanity. To insist that all problems are just a figment of your imagination - their favorite way to avoid trouble.
His actions do not match the words
Emotional manipulators tell you what you arewant to hear, but their actions - this is a completely different story. They claim that they will always support you, but when it's time to do it, they pretend that all your requests are unreasonable.
He plays on a feeling of guilt
Emotional manipulators use youra sense of guilt in their own interests. Telling them about their problems, you will feel guilty about disturbing them. Without telling - you will feel guilty for keeping secrets. Emotional manipulators make you feel that everything you do is wrong and that all problems are only your fault.
He pretends to be a victim
Emotional manipulators never in anythingto blame. No matter what mistake they made, someone else is always to blame (most likely you). If you get angry or upset - your high expectations are to blame, if the manipulator is upset - it's your fault that upset him. Emotional manipulators do not take responsibility for anything.
He hurries events too much.
Be it a personal or business relationship,emotional manipulators always run ahead. They start sharing important things too quickly and expect the same from you. They portray vulnerability and sensitivity, but it's a trap. It is designed to make you feel special, a close person and begin to feel sorry for the manipulator and responsibility for his emotional state.
He readily agrees to help, and then depicts the sufferer
The initial desire to help is quickly transformedinto sighs, groans and statements that everything they do is an excessive load. The goal is to make you feel that you are indebted to the manipulator.
He is always worse than you
With whatever problems you come to the manipulator, he will necessarily say that he is still worse. They do not get tired of reminding that their problems are much more serious, so you have no reason to complain.
He knows your weak points and uses it against you
If you are worried about your weight, you are sure toget a couple of comments about what you eat or what clothes you wear. If you are worried about the upcoming presentation, they will try to intimidate you even more. They easily read your emotions, but use this skill only to manipulate you, not trying to help you feel better.
Emotional manipulators can drive you crazytheir irrational behavior. Do not try to defeat them in their game. Observe the emotional distance, do not give in and do not let yourself fall into their traps.