It has long been beyond doubt that eachman has a certain energy. In the human body, according to the Eastern wise men, there are 7 main energy centers - chakras. If a person in life has any problems, then not all of them are activated.

Let's figure out how to open the chakras to achieve peace of mind and happiness.

We are operating

All chakras in the human body are responsible for something. By activating our activities, we thereby make chakras automatically open. After all, according to the Eastern beliefs, without the functioning of the chakras no achievements are possible. Therefore, set goals, achieve them, and they will gradually unfold.

Embodiment of principles

Each chakra has its own principles and spheresenergy impact. By implementing principles, you automatically activate a certain chakra, which means you force it to realize its energy potential. For example, in Swadhisthasana (the sexual chakra) the basic principle is truthfulness and sincerity. Embodying it in life, you purify and strengthen the influence of this chakra. And since it is responsible for manifesting a person's sexual emotions and reproduction of life, you will quickly notice improvements in this area.

More about the principles and aspirations of each chakrayou can read here. Read the material, select the area of ​​life that is most problematic, and implement the principles of the corresponding chakra.

Esoteric practices

Each chakra is located in the human body ina certain place. Knowing their location and the type of energy that they need, you can direct the flow of energy to the right place. It is best to activate the chakras gradually, one by one, starting from the bottom and ending with the top.

Sit in the pose of the lotus, and if there is not enough stretching,then in Turkish. Imagine that in the area of ​​your tailbone begins to flare bright red ball. Direct the energy of the body and your attention there. The chakra should flare up, try to achieve such a state so that to maintain its burning you do not need concentration of your attention. Lift it higher and in the same way open the next chakra. Do not forget to use the color to simulate burning. You can also learn it from the materials referred to above.

Working with the Healer

If in your city you can find a person whounderstands the functioning of the chakras and heals healing, then you are lucky. After all, the most effective way to open your chakras is to turn to such a person.

To begin with, the healer will look at each of yourchakras and will determine that it oppresses, why it happens. And then it's much easier to work on opening it. Together with the client, the healer will try to find the root causes of such violations, which lie in his way of life, realize mistakes and come up with an action plan that excludes further negative impact on the chakra. It will also help to select the necessary practices that will accelerate the opening process.

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