A tough girl is always the attention of classmates, a lot of friends, the sympathy of the boys. About what needs to be done to become the most popular girl in the classroom and at school, we will now tell.

How to win the status of "cool girl"

To peers as much as possible to sympathize with you, follow these tips.

  • Make sure that your appearance is as possiblemore attractive. Do beautiful beautiful hairstyles. Wear fashionable clothes and various accessories: jewelry, belts, hairpins and hoops. And jewelry can be fully learned to do on their own - then they are guaranteed to be original and unrepeatable.
  • Educate in yourself the qualities of a leader. A tough girl is necessarily determined, courageous, with her own opinion on every issue. Never be afraid of how your classmates and friends will evaluate you - remain independent.
  • Be sociable and liberated. Courage to communicate with boys, peers and children a little older. Do not be shy - you're the best!
  • Thinking about becoming a cool girl, notextra attention will be given to self-education. Learn well, be active in class, creatively approach homework. This will help, first, gain confidence in their abilities, and secondly, make classmates reckon with your opinion, because you will become smart.
  • Be aware of the latest innovations in fashion, music, etc. Peers will surely appreciate your knowledge and will consider you very modern.
  • If you have something that other people do not have,Delicately brag about it. For example, it could be some interesting toy, a music CD with an autograph of a famous artist. If one of your relatives has an expensive and stylish car, then ask him to take you to him from the school a couple of times. Calculate everything in such a way that peers necessarily saw how you sit in a posh car.
  • It is very important to be well-bred. Never quarrel with anyone, do not be rude to teachers and friends, acquaintances. Do not offend or humiliate others. Respect the elders. Be polite and honest. Know how to sincerely regret those who are in a difficult or difficult situation. Always offer your help to other people, if you can be of some use to them. Such human qualities always cause respect and sympathy.
  • Be able to stand up for yourself. Despite the previous point, you still must always be able to protect yourself from the attacks of other guys. Learn to say a definitive "no". Do not ever go against those who say: "Do it ... or are you weak?" Always answer this, that you are not "weak", you just do not want to do it, and that means you will not. Be adamant.
  • Get new acquaintances. At abrupt little girls always a plenty of friends, admirers and simply friends. And it is desirable that among them there were a boy and girls older than you - this always causes respect and admiration among peers.
  • Start to meet a tough guy. Together you will become a real thunderstorm of the whole school.
  • Smile. Sincere smile will help you to find other people for yourself.

Since not only girls but also boys want to be popular among their peers, we also prepared another interesting article on this topic - How to Become Cool.

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