Today's article, dear reader, will affecta difficult topic of human relations in our developed and complexly structured society. Many people achieve high results in their lives, and these results allow calling them steep. How to become a cool girl or a young man, if you are no different from others? Let's think about it together. So:

How to become cool?

Speech in our article will mainly focus on young people, namely, about adolescents. In this regard, we will try to withstand an understandable lexical style without using sentences of high complexity.

So, the teenager. This age is characterized by the orientation of the person around his peers. That is why so often the question arises as to how one or another group of friends will like it. The question of coolness is a question of your skills and your value. Think about what you stand out from the gray mass of your peers. What do you know better than others? What are you passionate about and in what sphere can you proudly call yourself a real professional? Based on these answers, you can create an image of yourself that you would like to experience in real life.

There is no doubt that to earn the so-called "glassespopularity "is not easy, it's very difficult to be cool in the class.To prove yourself cool, you need to be brave and be persistent.You will not be able to be cool right away, you have to wait for some time to your peers appreciated your behavior for good.

It's no secret that aggressive behavior createsThe image of a person who can influence the situation radically and solve complex problems. However, the solutions to which such a person resorts are very inefficient. As you know, aggression returns to us in the form of negative phenomena. If we talk about aggressiveness from the point of view of "coolness," the latter appears only at first. The fact is that an aggressive person has to maintain this style of behavior, which leads to the formation of bad relationships with all the surrounding people. If you stand for a while, then you will become a tyrant. Yes, you will be afraid. Yes, you will be respected. But do not forget that you will not be loved. And your coolness will evaporate like steam, after one of your competitors breaks your nose, God forbid, of course.

How to achieve to be cool withoutuse of force? How to become a cool girl or a guy? In this case, the development of your personality will help you. This is a complicated business that requires a lot of time and patience, but will bring you fruits that will forever remain with you. Unfortunately, the beginning of this paragraph will be incomprehensible to more than half of the audience that our article will be interested in. However, we hope that people who have at least a small fraction of a bright mind, will see between the lines that hidden meaning that leads to the formation of a strong and healthy personality. Develop yourself, think in a positive way, work on your mistakes, do not keep resentment and anger at people, try to help your neighbors, learn to listen to your inner voice. Fulfilling these recommendations, you will become independent and free from the framework of our society, a person. Namely, such people have a real "coolness". Such people are loved, respected and not afraid. Having brought up such qualities as responsibility, love and sincerity, you can achieve many things in our difficult life.

Well, then. Now go to the paragraph, which is designed for the main part of our audience. How to become cool at school? Let's talk about cheap and inefficient ways of acquiring popularity among adolescents. When applying the recommendations, be careful and do not allow the development of a deep depression after a sudden drop in your "coolness", which will necessarily happen if you follow the following advice:

  • Buy people. What does it mean? Money, unfortunately, determines a person. Do not have your own money? Ask them from your parents. Buy expensive unnecessary things and be sure to show them to your peers and your environment. Lead a racket lifestyle in clubs and at parties. Spend money without calculation and without a mind. Increase the "coolness" is guaranteed to you. In the absence of money, you will be left out of the social boat.
  • Behave yourself rudely and defiantly. Nothing so adds "coolness", as thoughtless, stupid, and, most importantly, insolent behavior. Have you come to the dining room? Forward for buns without a queue! Are you waiting for your jacket at the wardrobe? Stop waiting! Go and take it yourself. Do not want to answer at the board? Send the teacher where further. All this will lower your status among peers, but they will consider you steep, rejoicing that they did not become such themselves. Why become such a person when there is already a clown in the classroom? That's how to become a cool guy and kid!

Here, perhaps, and all the "normal" advice that will help you become the coolest ...

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