Let's imagine a situation like this: two people met, they liked each other and decided to become a couple. At the beginning of the relationship, everything is wonderful, because they are so interesting together! But gradually the girl and the boy get used to each other, the relationship loses its sharpness and originality, the feelings can become dull. The worst option is boredom in the relationship, and partners are increasingly looking at others. To prevent this, it is necessary to maintain the partner's interest in himself, to become an exceptional person for him. Today, consider this issue from the girl, let's talk about how to become special for him.

How to become unique and unique

Unpredictability gives novelty

Very often the cause of boredom in relationships ispredictability. When a guy has studied you well, he knows how you behave in this or that situation, what you say, etc. Learn to be different! Today, you can be a little bit peephole (not overdone), tomorrow - be caring and tolerant, the day after tomorrow - show your boundless love, another day - be a little bit removed and busy. It is important not to make sudden changes in mood and behavior, otherwise you will seem to him windy and inconstant, and such girls are not trusted. The secret is not to play different roles, forcibly trying to portray something, but simply to show different facets of one's character and temperament, but to do it easily, naturally and without busting.

Aspiration for the ideal

That the man did not have a desire to seeksomeone on the side, and if you really want to become his one and only for him, strive for an ideal in everything: be economic in the kitchen, dissolved in bed (but only be sure that you are just with him), kind friend and adviser on life.

5 Important Points for Men

Men do not need much to be happy with a woman. This is for us, and that, and another, but in the case of men, everything can be reduced to five points: support, loyalty, sex, comfort, interest.

  • Support is expressed in the fact that you are always in everything for your man, ready to help him, sincerely admire him.
  • The woman's faithfulness is the pride of her man, everyone dreams of a devoted woman, wants to feel alone.
  • Sex - sexuality is connected with this sidegirls (we must strive for external beauty and inner sexuality). Of course, both of you should be good at sex, because as long as the passion in the relationship is alive - the relations themselves are alive.
  • Comfort - this aspect includes convenience, cozinessand security. In your home, it's cozy and nice, he likes to go home, he's also confident in you, he knows that you will always be there (however, in connection with the first paragraph, this rule sometimes needs to be violated in order to kindle interest!).
  • Interest - a girl manifests herself in a relationship as a person, she is a good conversationalist, knows how to present herself in society, etc. Her man is not ashamed of her, he is proud of her.

These are the main points that will help you become special for him. Note that they all have a positive effect on the development of yourself, improve you, and therefore there is an incentive to try for both of you!

These articles can also be useful:

  • How to become interesting
  • How to become beautiful
  • How to become well-groomed
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