It is not necessary to believe the widespread opinion that,that the human soul is reflected in the eyes. They can not read anything except the color of the iris. How then can you see the human soul? Let's consider several ways below.

How to see your soul

Many people are able to learn to see spirits;more on this is written in the article How to see spirits. But the soul is a bit different. You can not see it so simply. An untrained person can try to see his soul, or rather, its reflection using modern technologies - photos and Photoshop.

It is known that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible forabstract, logical thinking, the right one for emotions. Accordingly, the left side of the face develops under the influence of the right hemisphere, and the right side under the influence of the left hemisphere. After all, everyone noticed that people's faces are asymmetric.

So, to see the soul, you need to takea full-face photograph, create a second same image, mirroring it. Then you have to cut both images exactly in the middle and connect in one face two right halves and two left. The face that will come from the right halves, direct and reflected, will show your character, your material aspirations. But the face of the left halves, formed under the influence of emotions, feelings, will show your soul.

But it is not enough to see the reflection of your soul and emotions, you also need to correctly interpret what you saw. More information on how to understand your own soul, you can read in the article How to listen to the soul.

How to see the soul of another person

Esotericists believe that the soul is a particle of the Creator,which all people have. So this is the most beautiful part of a person. If this is so, and everyone has a soul, then it is necessary to see in all people what is good in them. There are no people completely bad.

Pay attention to the fact that people are different and can do evil. But if you want to see his soul, look for that there is good in it, it will be the soul.

To see the soul in its pure form

To see the soul as it is, like a certainan intangible substance, some psychics, wizards and shamans know how. Doctor Dominique Menges from France, being in Africa in the 20s of the last century, once observed how the shaman of the local tribe made for a short time visible to all the soul of a newly deceased person.

This soul was like a trembling air, which,it happens, rises over the heated objects. The soul rose above the body of the deceased, then flew in turn to several people from the tribe, and they told her something quietly. Perhaps they asked for forgiveness, or they sent assignments to the world where they were going. This is written in the article Where the soul goes.

The US medium Alex Tanu worked for a long time inhospital for incurable patients. There he consoled the newly departed souls, helped them calmly move into the world where all souls go. Probably, the souls too are afraid to leave, because we can only assume that they are waiting there. About what see the soul, leaving our world, read in the article What the soul sees.

In the 90 years, the Russian psychic Grigory M. watched the souls when they left the body. As he said, at first the soul has the sizes comparable to the sizes of a body, and looks, as a pale haze. But very quickly they decrease, taking the form of luminous spheres, spindles or ovals. Colors are very different: white, blue, golden, pink. Very rarely - gray.

An ordinary person can only see the soul as an immaterial substance after long training and working on oneself.

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