Privorot - impact on someone else's psyche for the purpose ofachieve something that the self-absorbed does not want. Life is fleeting, our feelings are short-lived, falling in love is sometimes so rapid that he did not understand when the woman "really liked", and when he managed to "fall in love with another." Love is not love. Men tend to confuse these 2 feelings, or rather, to believe that "this is forever!" But love can not be "fascinated", it comes by itself, when love ends. Or does not come if the man once again confused 2 feelings - love and passion. After all, men are able to kindle a passion for the one they do not like.

Is it worth it to engage in a charm

You can, of course, pouring "your eyes with blood", fight inhysterics: "She should be mine!" But ... Such a feeling, like passion, has the bad habit of disappearing as soon as a man experiences an orgasm with a woman she was longing for. And that's it! "Love has passed, wilted tomatoes ..." Especially "gifted to the whole head" of men to satisfy their passions can turn to magic and bewitch a woman to her, not really caring about the consequences of such an act. And now the passion is satisfied, "the wings of love have departed," and the woman loses her former attraction for this man. But in a charmed woman, on the contrary, "everything is just beginning" ...

Signs of love spell in women are very sharp, becausethat a woman is a super-intuitive and emotional being. She falls in love with a frenzy, burning with passion for the bewitching man. And only her love begins to bloom in a magnificent color, and the man has already "cooled down". Or "fell in love" with another. So, what is next? A charmed woman, now called "an inadequate lustful bitch", pursues the man who has bewitched her everywhere, poisoning his life, his new "love in the grave of life," his friends, his parents and himself. Why? Because that's how the charmer acts - it does not disappear, like the passion of a man.

What is the result? Blackmail and hassle, spoiled relationships with friends and the loss of a new lover, and God forbid, the unwanted pregnancy of a woman who is thus trying to regain her "master of heart." In general, broken fortunes, alimony and an unhappy child, born of an unloved woman from his father, who did not want him ...

Still want to bewitch a woman? Well, then keep a couple of ways how to bewitch a woman.

The first way - a plot for a gift

The gift must be closedan ornament that a woman can wear around her neck (yoke) or on her hand (handcuff). I think it is already clear what gifts should be - beads, chains, bracelets. Do not give a ring - it's a symbol that you do not fascinate a woman, but take her as a wife. Magic, although the thing is dark, but fair. If you donate the ring-prioryozhku, then never from a woman can not leave - the magical forces you will "marry".

So, you buy a gift-privorozhku per daynew moon. Within 2 weeks of the growing moon, until the full moon, every night, exactly one minute before the onset of the new day, taking the decoration in a fist with 2 lit candles, read the plot:

"I burn with fire, I burn with fire, I heat my soul with heat(woman's name). He will not find water, will not quench his thirst, he will not cool down without me (his name). Will be with me with all my soul or burn to the ashes of gray. I order and command - my soul (woman's name) dispose of. Amen."

On the full moon day, give a woman, wearing her own hand on her neck or arm, depending on the gift. If it does not remove the decoration before the new moon, then you have succeeded in spell it.

2 nd way - plot for food

Cooking for it you must yourself, personally,putting all your love in the dish. Male energy is very strong, and the soul is able to almost realize the fantasies of men. If you say easier and mundane - it's like male masturbation. In short, cook for the coveted woman as if you are already making love to her. Or have sex. And you must necessarily prepare a sweet dish - dessert. More precisely, dinner in a state of "culinary masturbation", after which a dessert will be served, on which it is necessary to utter words of conspiracy. The dessert you choose is the one that you yourself especially succeed.

"Star dust in the bowl of an estimate, honey bees I will take honey, withI'll gather the nectar flowers, add the drops of dew, add the sweetness of the lips, dilute the living water. I will mix love abrupt, passion sweet sweet, bake in the heat of my belly for the pleasure of the soul and the desire of the heart (woman's name). I close the key, I throw the key into the sea, I pour the sea in the ocean - I must be in my opinion. Amen".

Nourish this dessert woman needs a full moon.

The third way is the strongest love spell of a woman

Every minute, which gives you a confused fate, tell her in your ear these words: "I love you. And no one but you needs me. " And no magic!

P.S. If the "culinary masturbation" you do not get, then give a "yoke" or "handcuffs" will be much easier. And if you will not be embarrassed by the fact that your woman is with you only thanks to the spell - your right. But you are not a man ...

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