Almost everyone in his life came across such aa situation where a person who likes does not reciprocate. In this case, there are several solutions: to leave everything in its place, to win or bewitch the object of one's desires. We propose to learn how to enchant the boy and make it interesting for you.

Privorot on the photo

For him you will need 2 candles (preferably fromchurch) and a picture of a boy. It can be easily found on the page in social networks. It's better to take a photo, on which the necessary person is alone and looks directly into the lens.


  1. Make sure that you are at home alone and no one will disturb you.
  2. Put a photo of the boy on the table and light the candles along the edges.
  3. Carefully look at the photo and try to catch the connection with her.
  4. Imagine how happy you areTogether with this boy (walk, walk behind the pens, sit at one desk) and say to yourself any positive statements. For example: "I like (the boy's name), he is interested in me and we are happy together." It is important that one must speak without particles "not" in the present tense.

Plot on paper

Write on the small piece of paper the followingwords: "As the month wilts, so the slave of God (name) would run and go for the slave of God (name) .As a man does not live without water, without food, so does the servant of God (name) live a day without his half Amen, Amen, Amen "and hide it in a secret pocket or under the lining of the clothes of the boy you like. To hide it is necessary very well that he did not find it and the note remained in clothes as long as possible.

Conspiracy with comb

Obtain a boy's comb and collect it from herthe remaining hair in a lump, wear them to yourself until the desired results are obtained. Over the comb itself, speak the plot and put it back. You need to say the following words:

"A comb, a scallop, a head-piece, hair,hair, dear friend, you, brothers, help me, dear, bring me to my arms. I will cherish you, cherish you, wash your key water, and in return I want to meet the dear one at your doorstep-to welcome. Hair, hair, comb, scallop, my darling inspire my love. Day after day, night after night let me know and miss me, and a week later he will come to me. Ears are witnesses, the heart is the key, the mouth is the lock. Amen".

Do not forget that to win the favora young man can not only spooks, but also his personal qualities and virtues. Learn more about this from the article How to win a boy.

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