Valery (from the Greek - strong, healthy). In early childhood, a fairly mobile child. Likes hide and seek, running, noisy games. He studies well, although he does not differ by special diligence. Let's take a more detailed look at the characterization of the name, and find out what the name Valery means.

  • Valery is the father's favorite. To the mother is condescending. In disputes with her does not enter, however, and her instructions and advice listens to the floor of the ear. He likes to read fiction and books about adventures. Character risky. Already in childhood he often experiences himself in extreme situations.
  • The adult Valery tries to acquire a profession,which will allow him not only to provide a family, but also to see the world. Valery easily gets new acquaintances, has a strong psyche and does not experience complexes in communicating with people. Loves playing sports (preference is given mostly to boxing). He likes to mess around on the land. Valery necessarily cultivates at least a small piece of land near his house, even if he lives in a high-rise building. In extreme cases, plant flowers in the house and on the balcony
  • To the choice of his future wife Valery fits very wellscrupulously. His chosen one must be spiritually rich. Similarly, in women, he appreciates cleanliness and household accuracy. Because of his quest for a long time he does not marry. When entering into marriage, Valery remains faithful to his chosen one. He is a convinced monogamy.
  • Valery is a homebody. She loves children and touching newborns. Likes to go to the bazaar for shopping. Drink is moderate. Born in the winter are more complex than summer. They are more stingy and despotic.

Sexuality named Valery

  • For Valery, sex is an incentive for life, whichhelps him gain confidence in himself. In women, she values ​​a slender, good figure. A beautiful woman's breast is especially exciting. In preliminary caresses Valery does not feel any special need. However, if his partner needs it, then he is ready to caress a woman, gradually awakening in her the fire of passion.
  • Valery is endowed with good artisticabilities, and if necessary, can perfectly play the role of a passionate lover. Sometimes he has a need to just relieve the sexual tension and relax, so he enters with a woman into sexual contact, to gain spiritual comfort.
  • External attributes for Valery are practically not important. He does not need (in contrast to some other men) a muffled light or a cozy intimate atmosphere. For Valery it's more important that his chosen one is experienced enough in sexual relations and relaxed in bed.
  • Valery has a good sense of humor, whichoften helps him out in various situations. Sufficiently courteous to representatives of the opposite sex. He is able to attract them with beautiful courtship and his eloquence. Often, friendships with former lovers remain even after parting.
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