Fright is a temporary disorder of the nervoussystem. Most often, fright happens in young children and babies, when they are little familiar with the outside world. Duration and methods of treatment of fright are determined depending on the complexity of the case. Independently, without consulting a therapist, treatment can not produce the desired results, and sometimes it is just dangerous for the child's health. Depending on the case, uses several ways how to treat fear.

Treating fright

If the cause is determined,Show the child that the subject of his fear does not threaten him. The process is long - for months, and more. In addition, the fright is not the frustration that goes away with the years. If untreated, it can develop into a phobia. For example, if a child is afraid of an animal, then it is necessary to do:

  • The first thing to do is to convince the child of the harmlessness of the object of fear.
  • Then you can try to draw a schematic animal, insect, etc.
  • After a while, when the child is ready, let him draw a drawing of his own.
  • The next step is to view the photos of this object. Remember that at each stage it is necessary to show the child that there is nothing terrible, and he is safe.
  • After the photos, you can present the video to the child.
  • At the end of time, viewing the animal throughglass, window. When the child stops being afraid to see the animal (the dog, for example), you can show it at a safe distance, and then try to walk up and pat.

Do not rush the child, otherwise the effect maybe lost. If the child feels a physical discomfort at the sight of the object of fear, this means that the fear turned into a phobia and how to treat the child's fear is only the specialist has the right to say. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication.

How to treat a baby's fright

  • The most important aspect is the peace of the baby, compliance with sleep and feeding. It is necessary to bathe the baby in the broths of lemon balm, thyme, motherwort. Water should be warm, but not hot.
  • The Orthodox can bathe a child in holy water, go to church, pray and put a candle on for health.
  • Before going to bed, a baby can sing a lullaby and massage.
  • During the day it is very important to avoid loud soundsand situations that can re-scare the baby. In addition, you must be calm and in a good mood, so that the child can easily adapt.

If among the people's councils you have not chosen forthe way to get rid of fright, do not go to the "grandmothers" and scare the child with the obscure actions of someone else's. You should seek help from a neurologist. The main thing is not to start the treatment process. In addition, some fears are peculiar to a certain age and are leaving (for example, fear of darkness).

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