The most honorable among all creatures is consideredhuman. Although, the right to be named by them, in terms of ethics, must be earned. Each person has a unique ability to develop, improve, learn, transferring his experience to future generations.

Many people ask themselves: how should a person be and to whom should he be equal? I believe that, first of all, a person should be self-sufficient. We must go our own way, live our principles and values, take independent adequate decisions, take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. It is important to remember: deception and hypocrisy do not add significance, and therefore, it is better to remain yourself. Of course, you do not want to be a "gray mouse" and get lost in the crowd, but looking back at others, you can lose yourself.

There were times when people did not aspire to besomeone's copy, did not try to imitate the habits, habits, opinions and actions of others. And with such people it was always interesting and pleasant to spend time or just accidentally run into the crowd. A person must be himself, no more, no less, to love life and appreciate every moment of it, to remain true to oneself, to your convictions. Here such person, in my opinion, it is possible to name the person.

Human qualities

You can find a lot of modern literature withblatant titles: What qualities should a person have? However, you can answer this question only yourself. Considering the fact that each of us is an individual, with his own value system, as well as his personal opinion and his own view of things. I think that people should strive to conquer new heights, achieve their goals. At the same time, we should not forget that we live in a society. The person opposite is also an individual, and therefore worthy of understanding and respect. Kindness, honesty, responsiveness, development, responsibility - these are the main qualities that I want to see in a person.

Web spaces can offer on your judgmenta lot of information about a person and his qualities. Teachers offer students and students to express their views on this matter, through reports and essays on this topic. The writing about how a person should be is often put on the agenda in educational institutions.

Modern man

Our world is changing just before our eyes, not givingcome to oneself. Days rush by a swift stream, covering with a head. The twenty-first century is the time of technology and progress. This time dictates to us the conditions that a modern person must meet. You can not just stand still. It is necessary to develop at a given pace.

Each of us wants to know what should bemodern man. Very erroneous is the widely held view that a person who has a computer and a mobile phone can be called modern. In my understanding, a modern person can be considered one who has not lost the ability to empathize with other people. He knows how to appreciate friendship, achieves the set goals, seeks to learn more, develops spiritually. Modern man must be well-bred, tactful. It seems to me that such a person is the personification of thoughts, lifestyle and state of mind. It is the one who does not stand still, tries to develop, to keep pace with the times and to meet his standards, is a modern person.

Human culture

And what should be the cultural man? Distinctive features of a cultural person are: appreciation and ability to be grateful, civilized, educated, benevolent, sophisticated taste, respect. Of course, someone can call a cultural one that has not used a dirty word for half an hour. However, one should not confuse civilized norms of communication and the culture of an individual person.

I always found it interesting to communicate withan intelligent person. What kind of person should be intelligent to be considered as such? Identify is very difficult. To begin with, intellectuality refers more to the property of a person than to the collection of some qualities of character and its manifestations. By its nature, an intellectual is a theorist. Even if he is busy doing something, achieving great success in him, the driving factor of such a person is thought.

The affairs of an intelligent person are often directedto universality, its purpose is to discover something new, useful, acceptable to people. Therefore, we can safely say that intelligent people set the goal of observing universal human values. That is why the intellectual professions include doctors, teachers, actors, writers and artists. These people work for the good of humanity. In my view, an intellectual, this modest, affable and educated person. It is not necessary to confuse the intellectual and the well-read person. These are completely different concepts.

Summarizing, it is safe to say thatThe idea of ​​what should be a young man in the modern world, everyone has his own. I have one point of view, you have another. The desire to go with the times, while remaining an individual, is common to all. It is enough, just in any situation to remain yourself, to behave with dignity, culturally, to respect others. Following these simple rules, a person can be safely called a Person.

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