Features of professional activityforce the educator to meet a number of requirements. There are a number of personal qualities and skills that a good educator should have. Consider what kind of teacher he is in the preschool.

Below are the qualities of personality that every educator should possess:

Required qualities

  • Professional orientation. This quality lies in the presence of vocation, pedagogical inclinations, as well as love for children. Directivity encourages the mastery of specific knowledge and the improvement of its level.
  • Empathy. It is attentiveness and responsiveness to the different experiences of the baby. The educator is obliged to notice changes in the behavior of the child, to show diligence and sensitivity.
  • Tact. This term means a sense of proportion and the ability to behave correctly. The educator should be benevolent, demonstrate faith in the child's possibilities.
  • Pedagogical optimism. It is a perception of the positive qualities of children. An optimistic person will not say bad things about the baby. The educator is obliged to show cheerfulness and sense of humor.
  • Culture of communication. A qualified educator should competently build good relations with his colleagues, children and their parents. He must be distinguished by a high level of culture, as well as correct behavior. The task of the educator is to make relations with parents partner and to resolve any conflict situations.
  • Reflection. This quality consists in the ability to draw correct conclusions and evaluate the results of their activities. Conclusions should help the educator to adjust the methods of working with children.

That such qualities (at least!) Must have a tutor.

In addition, read a similar article. What should be the educator.

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