The World Wide Web provides access toa huge number of resources. The amount of information available on the Internet continues to increase year by year, but so far some of the information exists only in the original languages ​​and does not have a translation. For this and other reasons, periodically there is a need for access to foreign resources, and the question of knowing the language in such cases is quite acute.

Online site translation services

The most common services for translating sites in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet:

  • Google translate allows you not only to translatetext, but, by entering the url of the site, get the translation of the entire page. You do not even need to know in which language the original resource is presented, it is enough to set the automatic definition of the language.
  • Yandex translate is the service of one of the mostwidespread Russian search engines in Russia by popularity, not inferior to google. The number of languages ​​from which the transfer is much less than the first, yes, and the function of auto-detection of the language is not provided, but otherwise the functionality of the service is similar.

How to translate a site into Russian in a browser

  • Google Chrome allows you to translate sites intoother languages ​​by default. If you have Russian in the browser settings, then when you open a site other than Chrome, he will prompt you to translate. Or you can select "Translate" in the browser menu.
  • Mozilla Firefox and Opera by default is notsupport similar services, but allow you to install any favorite add-on, including google translate installed in Chrome. Here is a link with add-ons for Opera, and this one for Mozilla Firefox.

Machine translation is by no means literary,and sometimes it turns out to be difficult to read, but it is usually sufficient to catch a common sense. In addition, technology is developing every year, and the quality of translations in recent years has improved significantly.

You may also be interested in the following articles:

  • How to translate a page
  • How to translate a site
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