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How to extract the archive?

Each of us at least once had to deal witharchive. It's very convenient to create an archive by placing the necessary files there, because it compresses the size of the destination folder and everything is archived in one place. It's not difficult to create an archive, it's even easier to open it.

How to extract files from the archive using WinRaR

Before you extract a file from the archive using WinRaR, you must open it in this graphical shell. There are several ways to do this:

  • Double-click the left mouse button or just click on the archive file in the WinRaR window.
  • Run WinRaR, but as a parameter, first specify the name of the archive on the command line.
  • Now you need to drag the archive to the WinRaR icon. But first make sure that the WinRaR window does not open another archive, otherwise it may happen that the archive we need will be added to the already opened one.

When you get to the contents of the archive,select the files that you want to extract. You can do this with the left mouse button. If the files are not in order, hold down Ctrl and select the files and documents. Then press Alt + E or the "Extract" button, which is in the top of the WinRaR window. You will see a window in front of your eyes, which will show the extraction statistics. If you change your mind about extracting files from the archive, just click the "Cancel" button. This method is suitable for those who use the operating system Windows.

Sometimes people confuse the program and the optionarchiving. Remember, WinRaR archives files and RAR. and Zip. The program-archiver 7-Zip goes separately and is used as an analog or replacement for WinRaR and, of course, has its own peculiarities.

You may also be interested in these articles:

  • How to make an archive
  • How to open RAR.
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