Sometimes it can be done so that the computerturned off at the right time, even if we are not around. For example, if we put a movie to download, and we ourselves went to sleep and do not want the computer to work all night. Or to control the access to the children's computer. In the latter case, however, it is worthwhile to take care also of the password for turning on the computer. So that after the automatic shutdown, your child does not turn on the computer again.

There are several ways to set a computer shutdown timer. In short, we will tell you about the simplest.

  • Special programs. Find a program that would allow you to put a timer on the computer, it will not work. They are great for all operating systems. As a rule, such programs are easily installed and take up little space. For example, PowerOff. It allows you to set more than one timer. Similar program "STOPPC 3.2". There, among other things, there is the possibility of a reminder of the shutdown for a certain time. You can install it yourself. For Windows 7 there is a simple program. It allows you to manage a lot of processes, in addition to turning off: reboot, restart, transition to sleep mode.
  • The next way how to put the computer ontimer, suitable for machines with the operating system Windows XP. For shutdown at the right time, we use the built-in programs "Shutdown" and "Task Scheduler". Shutdown is a console program. We run it with the -i option. Opens the interface window. There we enter: at 23:00 cmd / cshutdown -t 10. After that, the task is automatically added: execute the shutdown command at 23:00. Accordingly, at 23:00 you will see a window for shutting down the work on the screen. After 10 seconds, the computer turns off. A more detailed step-by-step instruction of this method with screenshots is here.
  • If you have a TV tuner, you can use the default timer installed there.
  • There is a tricky way to put the computer on a timer. Almost any player has such a setting - what to do after the playlist is completed. There you can choose "shutdown computer". We type songs at the right time, if the sound interferes - turn it off. After all the songs end, the computer will automatically shut down.
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