Shortcut - a link to a folder, file, orInternet resource, enclosed in a separate small file. Clicking twice on the shortcut, you immediately go to the place to which it refers (or open the file if it is a shortcut to the file). You can either delete the shortcut or the file it refers to.

Delete the label completely or send it to the shopping cartcan be exactly the same as any other file. To do this, select it and click the Delete button or drag the file to the trash. Both these actions lead to the same result. To permanently delete a file, you either need to empty the trash, or, if it's still on the Desktop, by pressing Shift + Delete, delete it "past the Recycle Bin".

It is important to remember that deleting a game shortcut orA program of another kind does not delete the program itself. Moreover, the presence or absence of this label does not in any way affect the performance of the component to which it refers. It is usually necessary to remove a shortcut from the Desktop to clear it. The programs themselves need to be deleted using the appropriate tools of your OS version (via the Control Panel), or in some situations simply by deleting the folder with the program.

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