Sometimes it is necessary to find answers, it would seem,on the most ordinary questions. But not everything is as simple as it seems, especially what relates to the operation of a computer and a laptop. With this technique, it can easily happen such a nuisance as a virus, which is always fraught with consequences. One of which is not the least harmless is the unexpected appearance of incomprehensible system protected files in the folders of your computer. Remove them in the usual way does not work, but they take up a lot of space. The threat they hide is not so much the size that inhibits the work of all computer programs, but the very harmful content itself. In such a file, a virus often hides, because of which information valuable to you can be irretrievably lost.

It is these reasons that force us to seek an answer to thethe question of how to delete protected files. One of the most radical methods can be reinstalling the Windows system. But this does not guarantee that you will get rid of this in a completely malicious manner.

It is best to install a special program,which removes the protected files, no matter how well they "grab their teeth" in your laptop. There are many free programs of this type. They allow you to delete protected files without problems. To do this, you need to install the program you selected, for example, such as Unlocker or Wise Registry Cleaner Free. Next, look for a file that could not be deleted. Try again:

  1. On the file, move the cursor, press the right mouse button.
  2. A window will be displayed. In it, look for the program. Click on the picture of this program.
  3. In the window that appears, select the action. Click Ok.

The undoubted advantage of such utilities isautomatic search for files that you can not delete yourself. And try to install anti-virus protection to further protect yourself from unnecessary trouble.

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