Links are very convenient because theyallow us to quickly jump to the desired website. But what if there are unnecessary links that interfere with normal operation? How to delete a link that you do not need or is harmful?

Text documents

Often people have to edit theInternet texts with the help of text editors. Since articles in the network use hyperlinks everywhere, they are copied to a text editor and remain there. There are some simple tricks that will help you understand how to delete a link in a Word.

If you need to remove absolutely all hyperlinksin the document, select all the text (for this you can press Ctrl + A), then use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F9. After this simple manipulation, all links from the text will be deleted. Also, you can right-click on the selected text and select the "Delete Hyperlink" menu item.

In the case when you need to get rid of onlya specific link, you can click on the text to which it is attached and select "Remove hyperlink" from the context menu. This link will be deleted, and all other hyperlinks in the text will remain untouched.


The most popular engine for websites onThe present day is Wordpress. For him in the network there are many plug-ins and design templates, which can be used for free. In most themes, the creators insert links to their official website, which is not liked by website owners, so they are looking for ways to remove the Wordpress link.

In order to remove a link from the Wordpress theme,you will need to edit the code in the template files of the design. So you have to look through all the theme files and find references in them. To do this, in the admin panel, you need to go to the menu item "Appearance - Editor". Typically, the links are enclosed in the <a> tag, in which you will see the site address, as well as the words to which the link is bound. Delete the tag along with this text and save the file. To find the link faster, use the TAC plugin, which will tell you which file contains which links.


Search engine Yandex has a very large databaseindexed pages. Sometimes site owners delete certain pages from them and want them to disappear from Yandex search results so that there are no links to pages with an error in it.

Many webmasters do not know how to delete a link inYandex, because not everyone has to do it. To delete a specific page, go to Delete URL and specify the link that you want to delete.

This method works only ifaccess to the specified page will be closed in the robots.txt file of the site, it will be enclosed completely in the noindex tag, or when the server accesses it, it will issue an error 404.


Very often, computer usersare puzzled by the question of how to remove a link from the registry, since it may contain unnecessary or already deleted programs. In order to do this, you need to go to the "Start - Search" and enter the name of the utility: Regedit.exe. In the right menu of the utility, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall

You will see a list of all the possible ones for removallinks. Select the one you need and delete it. If you do not have any experience in cleaning the registry or you do not know what exactly you need to remove, it's best to assign this task to a more experienced user.

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