The birth of a baby is a great joy for any family. However, for the whole environment of the family this is the appearance of the problem: what to give for the birth of a boy, when to look empty-handed at a new little man you will not go, but you do not want to give a bauble.

A gift for birth is more a gift for parents than for a baby, so a gift should help young parents in the care of their treasure.

What to give for a birth: general advice

  • Medal for the newborn - who is usually givenmedal? Olympic champions, heroes, people who have reached certain heights in life. And your baby champion is already in fact his birth - barely born, he has already become a hero! The medal engraves the name with the surname, date and time of birth, weight and height. The diameter of the medal is 6 cm. You can read more about such gifts here:

    A born in Moscow, a girl can be presented with this medal:

  • Large gifts - a cot, a cradle with a systemmotion, stroller, carry or table - do not give, because such items are purchased in advance, so that everything was ready for the discharge of the baby. But if you still want to make a significant contribution to the life of the baby, discuss these options with the parents before the birth.
  • Children's albums are a necessary thing, but if theirgive a few what to do with them? Again, it is worth discussing with the parents of the baby that you will be the person who will present the only album - and the one that answers their requests. Or give the certificate for the release of a photobook baby, and the photos of the parents will choose themselves.
  • Everything that is purchased directly forchild, must meet high standards of quality and should not contain harmful substances or child-hazardous details (sharp, rough, poorly treated edges, etc.).
  • Do not give a huge plush toys: the boy will not soon be able to play them, instead, the thing will only take up space and collect dust, complicating the life of parents.
  • Gifts for birth can be functional or noteworthy. If the child is the first in the family, then the parents will be more grateful to the functional gifts.
  • Remember the growth of a baby at birth, usually thisone of the first things that is reported when the appearance of crumbs. The size range of children's clothing contains age and height; Sometimes, heroes are born, and they need to buy more clothes.
  • Picking up a gift for birth, bring it something sweet for the mother of the child, because she had a hard time. A good option is a decoration in which you can insert a photo of the baby.

Gift Ideas for a Boy

And now we will offer you a few specific ideas of gifts for the birth of a boy.

  • Diapers, sheets, blankets, diapers and othereveryday necessary things for the comfort of the baby and mom. All this can be beautifully decorated in the form of a typewriter, a boat or other interesting figure. Such kits will never dust on a shelf.
  • A terry apron for mom or dad to make it easier to bathe your son.
  • Clothes for the kid, everyday or festive,will never be superfluous. However, the main thing here is not to make a mistake with the size: it is better to always buy children's clothes of a slightly larger size than was voiced by parents, so to speak "for growth". But do not overdo it: things for going to kindergarten or school should not be given for birth.
  • Adaptations for the fun of the baby: rattles, toys to calm the child, issuing various sounds, a mobile (or carousel), a game developing mat, bright or shiny toy pendants.
  • Chaise longue for baby, hanging design forbottles, a pillow for feeding, a positioner (for comfortable sleeping on any bed), a pillow for an auto-chair, a bathing hammock and other mechanisms that facilitate everyday life.
  • In addition, you can give a new family newgeneral emotions and memory - photosession with the newborn. Only when buying a certificate make sure that the timing of the photo session is quite large: a young family needs to be allowed to get used to a new life.
  • Such a gift as a season ticket to the pool,it is necessary to discuss with the parents and the doctor of the baby. This gift will definitely be remembered by them, and the baby will bring pleasure and benefit. You can visit the pool from three weeks (after complete healing of the umbilical cord).

You can also benefit from another article on our site dedicated to this topic. What is given for the birth of a child.

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