One year is a very important date for both the family andfor the baby. In preparation for the holiday, parents and relatives begin to puzzle over what to choose for the gift. We offer a list of what you can give a baby for a year.

  • The big machine is the first personal transport that the kid can manage independently. On it you can both ride and use it in a game form to transport toys.
  • A bicycle with a handle for control. A modern analogue of the stroller for children from year to year.
  • Game house or tent. In it, the kid will create his own personal space for games. Just take into account the area of ​​the children's room or the entire apartment. In a one-room apartment with a child (or even two), such a gift will bring a lot of inconvenience to parents.
  • Demountable swing. They are suitable for both home and street. Similar swings can be hung on any strong branch.
  • Toys are wheelchairs. The kid only learned to walk, so he particularly interested in the game in motion.
  • Educational toys: sorters, pyramids, designers, the first large puzzles and machine-transformers.
  • A great gift for all time is a book. Good tales and verses by Mikhalkov, Chukovsky or Marshak are suitable. It will be great if you find a work in which the main character will be called the same as the birthday boy.

Gifts for the boy and the girl are a bit different. What exactly will be relevant for kids can be found in the articles:

  • What to give a daughter for a year
  • What to give a child for 1 year
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