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How to make an Easter Bunny?

There are a number of traditions that arethe most important religious holiday is in Easter. For example, on this day it is customary to make Easter hares. True, this tradition is most common among Catholics, but in recent times, the Orthodox has also become increasingly popular.

Make an easter rabbit is quite simple. Let's consider two ways of making Easter hares - from paper and from fabric.

Paper Hare

How to make an easter rabbit from paper:

  1. Remove red, green or blue paper and cut out 2 squares.
  2. Place the first square face down, twist diagonally.
  3. Get a triangle, turn it upside down and turn the upper corners to the bottom, so that eventually you have a diamond.
  4. You will see the free corner pieces, bend them vertically upwards.
  5. Now turn your work vertically and bend the top corner first down. This is the muzzle of an animal. And then upstairs it's a bunny's nose.
  6. Again, rotate your work to another, the opposite of the vertical
    axis side. The lateral corners turn to the center.
  7. Take the bottom corner (ie 1 layer of paper) and bend it up.
  8. Now turn the work to the opposite side vertically. The upper part of the hare is ready.
  9. Then we make the lower part, in which the Easter egg will lie. To do this, take the second square. Mark the middle of each side.
  10. Fold the corners so that they are all in the center of the square.
  11. Arrange the hand-crafted item so that the corners are pointing up, down and to the sides. Turn the upper corner to the middle down, the bottom corner up.
  12. Now twist the work in half horizontally and unfold it with the long side down. Roll it around in a circle so that one sharp corner fits into the other.
  13. Get a crack, where you need to insert the top of the hare.
  14. One corner of the holder is inserted into the other, form the ears. On the muzzle, you can paint the antennae, nose, eyes.

Hare from cloth

From the fabric of a bunny to make more difficult. You will need small pieces of cotton or cotton to create an Easter bunny.

  1. Prepare paper templates for rabbits, then attach them to the fabric, circle and cut. When preparing templates, keep in mind that you will need
    allowances for seams. You can make two paper patterns: the hare is completely front and completely behind. Cut out details of the hare from the fabric for these patterns.
  2. Wherever you have the front side, carefully sew out the muzzle. You can use various buttons or threads for this, for example, make eyelets out of buttons, and mouth - out of threads.
  3. Sew a hare by hand or by typing, but do not forget to leave a hole for further stuffing the toy.
  4. Turn out the toy, fill it with a sintepon or cotton wool and sew it with a secret seam. If desired, you can sew a hare foot, and you can leave it that way.
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